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Direct speeking

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My budy and I have been trying to get the direct speeking to work for mulitplayer LAN games and we have been having no luck. sad.gif

I have a SB Audigy OEM and he has and SB Live 5.1.

We both have all the hardware excel cranked up nd so on.

Anybody know what I can do to solve this problem?

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what exactly are you trying to do? direct speaking is a chat channel, you select it with the channel select keys...

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i think you may have the impression that direct speaking is voice chat. Its not! If you type a messege using the direct speaking chat channel, it comes up as title text at the bottom of the screen in stead of chat radio style text. trust me, its not coice chat

no where does it say that ofp has a built in voice chat engine. nice try though wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SickSidewinder9 @ April 14 2003,22:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">no where does it say that ofp has a built in voice chat engine. nice try though wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Hm... There is a voice chat thing, you just need to use DirectPlay to use it, and run the voice setup from preferences.

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yes. there are 2 internet connection schemes in OFPR. one is socket based and the other is Direct Play based. the latter is how OFP CWC multiplayer is based upon.

the former was made due to request from community that direct play was not adequate. BIs did not have enough time to implement socket based voice-over-net system, so instead they made it so that when you type something in direct speaking mode on socket scheme, the message appears on ppl's PC.

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As an added note: The voice chat system in Opflash really is incredible. If you have it set to direct speaking, only people close to your location will hear you speak, and the sound will come from your character's location. I tested this on my girlfriend's 5.1 sound system. She stood still while I ran circles around her screaming in my microphone. You could here me moving in surround sound smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Stylez @ April 14 2003,22:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As an added note: The voice chat system in Opflash really is incredible.  If you have it set to direct speaking, only people close to your location will hear you speak, and the sound will come from your character's location.  I tested this on my girlfriend's 5.1 sound system.  She stood still while I ran circles around her screaming in my microphone.  You could here me moving in surround sound smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

so you yelled at her running around the room? tounge.gif

yes, forgot to mention that fistance does matter in OFP sound system.

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I have used the Direct Speaking channel before, but the volume drops off too fast with increasing distance for it to be useful. You can easily talk with people that are nearby, but when someone gets 10 or so meters away from you, the voices become very faint.

I must admit that I haven't tried it lately, and I know that changes were made to the sound algorithms and volume ramping.

It's a terrific idea by the way, and another feature that third-party voice programs cannot implement because they aren't aware of the locations of players in the game.

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That's all fine and dandy... But how is it used or how do you use it.

I know the CAPS LOCK key has something to do with it. However, I didn't know that it was limited to distances. Isn't there a raido option? Can't you do a global voice chat with it? Can you use it to talk to people on your team?

There is little documentation on this feature and I have been trying for some time now to get it to work.

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The channel-select cycles through the following (not necessarely in the correct order):

Global chat

Side chat

Group chat

Vehicle chat

Direct Speaking

If I remember correctly Capslock is the default key for activating/deactivating the chat.

There are three reasons why I like direct speech best:

1)The sound originates from the character

2)The sound lowers over distance


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Let me get this straight. When playing version one point four six, you first switch to direct speaking, then hit capitals lock, and then simply talk away (assuming that your microphone is set up)? Or do you have to hit the chat key, say whatever you want to say, and then hit enter? Someone please describe the exact process. Talk to me as you would an idiot, for I know nothing of this! My experiments have led me nowhere.

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It doesn't matter which version of OFP you have, the important thing is that you use the DirectPlay network implementation, since the voice communications are one of the features built into DirectPlay.

All player who want to use the voice communications feature must complete the "Voice Setup" process in the OFP or OFP:R Preferences applet. Once that is done, press CAPS LOCK (or whatever key you have mapped in its place) to enable voice communications. You can then cycle through the different voice channels by pressing the COMMA and PERIOD keys (again, unless you remapped them).

Please note that in my experience, it is necessary for all player to toggle voice off and back on when a new player connects to the server. That may be the cause of the problems you are experiencing.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mister Frag @ 28 April 2003,03:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Please note that in my experience, it is necessary for all player to toggle voice off and back on when a new player connects to the server. That may be the cause of the problems you are experiencing.<span id='postcolor'>

Amen. I recommend not keeping CAPS LOCK down unless you mean to talk. If you lose contact with a player, type a message for them to jiggle their caps lock key and they will usually get back on track.

I am quite upset that VON is not compatible with Sockets. This is one of the best, stand out features of the game. No other VON client I have ever tried can match the robustness of the OpFlash VON, not Battlecom, not Roger Wilco, nothing.

I want my Sockets VON!

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What is Directplay? Is that the built-in program as opposed to Gamespy?

I have also been suspiciously eying my sound card. I know that I cannot record anything while another program is using sound, and that I only have a few channels.

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DirectPlay is one of the components of DirectX. It implements the programming interfaces for the network and voice communications.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shadow @ 15 April 2003,08:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">There are three reasons why I like direct speech best:

1)The sound originates from the character

2)The sound lowers over distance

3)Lip-sync<span id='postcolor'>

wow...i never tried using von in opf MP, is this lip sinc. really true? never heard bout that in any other game and it sounds awsome smile.gif , too bad it doesnt work with sockets...

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Well, my brother and I have both gotten the voice chat to work with direct speaking. It's cool, and I again marvel at the detail put into the game, but it's useless because it does not work at distances. We cannot get any of the other channels (global, team, et cetera) to work with voice chat. Why?

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I'm just wondering how it is possible that you got direct speaking to work, but the Global Channel doesn't. Are you sure?

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