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Suma or other OF Developer please tell me what Nekdo is

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In the source to City Conflict I have found several references to

local (leader Nekdo)

for example:

WestHas == 1 and local (leader Nekdo)

Can you clarfiy what this means?


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So Nekdo means group?

In English it would read:

Westhas==1 and local (leader Group)


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i think it means if west has the flag and the leader is present, then adds a score maybe ?


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Over in the other editing forum (the one in the slavic language) someone told me that Nkedo means 'Somebody'

so local (leader Somebody)...hmm I wish a developer could tell me for sure.

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Yes, Nekdo (russ - Nekto) means "somebody". But it not important. "Nekdo" - user-define variable ("WestHas" - too), and can mean anything.

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I appreciate the help. I removed all references to

local (leader Nekdo)

and tweaked some of their triggers to simplify them a bit and now my Cap and Hold works great! Although using a script is a bit easier, I haven't found one that works without a disappearing flag bug although Backoff over at the OF Editing Center has been putting together a new one.

I think now I can finally release my cap and hold missions. They've been in limbo for a while now since I couldn't get a good system working without the flags disappearing.

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