Fabianbecker19 1 Posted November 19, 2023 class CfgORBAT { class AAF { id = 0; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; type = "HQ"; commander = "Griffin"; commanderRank = "Colonel"; text = "AAF Oberkommando"; textShort = "AAF"; description = "Zentrales-Oberkommando der Altis Armed Force in der Republik Altis und Stratis. Die AAF hat die Größe eines Korps, wächst aber weiter an"; class AltisHQ { id = 0; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; type = "HQ"; commander = "Falluma"; commanderRank = "Major"; text = "Hauptquatier Altis"; textShort = "HQ Altis"; description = "Militärisches Hauptquatier der Altis Armed Force auf der Insel Altis"; class 1Reg { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Regiment"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Arasco"; commanderRank = "Captain"; text = "1. Infanterie Regiment"; textShort = "1. Regiment" }; class 2Reg { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Regiment"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Iraklius"; commanderRank = "Captain"; text = "2. Infanterie Regiment"; textShort = "2. Regiment"; }; class 3Reg { id = 3; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Regiment"; type = "MotorizedInfantry"; commander = "Harama"; commanderRank = "Captain"; text = "3. Motorisiertes Infanterie Regiment"; textShort = "3. Regiment"; }; class 4Reg { id = 4; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Regiment"; type = "MotorizedInfantry"; commander = "Gapados"; commanderRank = "Captain"; text = "4. Motorisiertes Infanterie Regiment"; textShort = "4. Regiment"; }; class 5Reg { id = 5; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Regiment"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; commander = "Larisa"; commanderRank = "Captain"; text = "5. Mechanisiertes Infanterie Regiment"; textShort = "5. Regiment"; }; class 6Reg { id = 6; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Regiment"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; commander = "Urestes"; commanderRank = "Captain"; text = "6. Mechanisiertes Infanterie Regiment"; textShort = "6. Regiment"; }; class 7Reg { id = 7; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Regiment"; type = "Armored"; commander = "Kalogeres"; commanderRank = "Captain"; text = "7. Gepanzertes Regiment"; textShort = "7. Regiment"; description = "Dieses Regiment untrhält alle Kampfpanzer der Altis Armed Force. Aktuell stehen der Ihr 32 Kampfpanzer zur Verfügung"; Assets[] = {{I_MBT_03_cannon_F,30}}; }; class 1Heli { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squadron"; type = "Helicopter"; commander = "Artos"; commanderRank = "Captain"; text = "1. Helikopterstaffel"; textShort = "1. Helistaffel"; description = "Die 1. Helikopterstaffel der AAF. Operationsbasis ist der Altis International-Airport auf der Insel Altis"; Assets[] = {{I_Heli_light_03_F,10},{I_Heli_Transport_02_F,5}}; }; }; class StratisHQ { id = 0; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; type = "HQ"; commander = "Myklanos"; commanderRank = "Major"; text = "Hauptquatier Stratis"; textShort = "HQ Stratis"; description = "Militärisches Hauptquatier der Altis Armed Force auf der Insel Stratis"; class 1Btl { id = 1; idTyped = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Battalion"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Costras"; commanderRank = "Captain"; text = "1. Infanterie Battalion"; textShort = "1. Battalion"; class 1ComS { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Company"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Fossa"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "1. Infanterie Kompanie"; textShort = "1. Kompanie"; class 1Zug { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Platoon"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Elass"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "1. Zug"; textShort = "1. Zug"; class 1Trupp { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Molas"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "1. Trupp"; textShort = "1. Trupp"; }; class 2Trupp { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Kurtis"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "2. Trupp"; textShort = "2. Trupp"; }; class 3Trupp { id = 3; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Ama"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "3. Trupp"; textShort = "3. Trupp"; }; class 4Trupp { id = 4; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "MotorizedInfantry"; commander = "Ipalus"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "4. Trupp"; textShort = "4. Trupp"; Assets[] = {{I_MRAP_03_F,2},{I_MRAP_03_hmg_F,1},{I_MRAP_03_gmg_F,1}}; }; }; class 2Zug { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Platoon"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Dimida"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "2. Zug"; textShort = "2. Zug"; class 1Trupp { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Tanos"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "1. Trupp"; textShort = "1. Trupp"; }; class 2Trupp { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Mora"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "2. Trupp"; textShort = "2. Trupp"; }; class 3Trupp { id = 3; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "MotorizedInfantry"; commander = "Breda"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "3. Trupp"; textShort = "3. Trupp"; Assets[] = {I_Truck_02_covered_F,3}; }; class 4Trupp { id = 4; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "MotorizedInfantry"; commander = "Kaneles"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "4. Trupp"; textShort = "4. Trupp"; Assets[] = {{I_Truck_02_transport_F,2},{I_MRAP_03_hmg_F,1}; }; }; }; class 2ComS { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Company"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Growa"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "2. Infanterie Kompanie"; textShort = "2. Kompanie"; class 1Zug { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Platoon"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Toros"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "1. Zug"; textShort = "1. Zug"; class 1Trupp { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Rades"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "1. Trupp"; textShort = "1. Trupp"; }; class 2Trupp { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Cadima"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "2. Trupp"; textShort = "2. Trupp"; }; class 3Trupp { id = 3; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Strava"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "3. Trupp"; textShort = "3. Trupp"; }; class 4Trupp { id = 4; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Nehla"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "4. Trupp"; textShort = "4. Trupp"; }; }; class 2Zug { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Platoon"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Halgos"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "2. Zug"; textShort = "2. Zug"; class 1Trupp { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Anukes"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "1. Trupp"; textShort = "1. Trupp"; }; class 2Trupp { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Phalkos"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "2. Trupp"; textShort = "2. Trupp"; }; class 3Trupp { id = 3; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Zamyk"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "3. Trupp"; textShort = "3. Trupp"; }; class 4Trupp { id = 4; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Ortom"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "4. Trupp"; textShort = "4. Trupp"; }; }; }; }; class 2Btl { id = 2; idTyped = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Battalion"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; commander = "Zara"; commanderRank = "Captain"; text = "2. Mechanisiertes Infanterie Battalion"; textShort = "2. Battalion"; class 1MComS { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Company"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; commander = "Kaleregos"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "1. Mechaniesierte Kompanie"; textShort = "1. Kompanie"; }; class 2MComS { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Company"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; commander = "Papaso"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "2. Mechaniesierte Kompanie"; textShort = "2. Kompanie"; }; }; class SupS { id = 0; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Company"; type = "Support"; commander = "Qualderis"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "Unterstützungs Kompanie Stratis"; textShort = "Unterstützung"; description = "Unterstüzungseinheiten, die der AAF auf Stratis zur Seite stehen. Beinhaltet Nachschub ,medizinische Versorgung, Luftabwehr und Reperatureinheiten"; }; class HeliStratis { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squadron"; type = "Helicopter"; commander = "Radophilio"; commanderRank = "Captain"; text = "Helikopterstaffel Stratis"; textShort = "Helistaffel Stratis"; Assets[] = {{I_Heli_light_03_F,4},{I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F,2},{I_Heli_Transport_02_F,4}}; }; class 2Air { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Squadron"; type = "Fighter"; commander = "Besta"; commanderRank = "Captain"; text = "2. Fliegerstaffel"; textShort = "2. Fliegerstaffel"; description = "2. Fliegerstaffel der AAF. Operationsbasis ist der Stratis-Luftwaffenstützpunkt auf der Insel Stratis"; Assets[] = {{I_Plane_Fighter_04_F,5},{I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F,5}}; }; }; }; }; Hello everyone, I hava a Problem with my CfgORBAT. He tell me that im missing a ´}´ at the End of the ORBAT, but there is one. Have anyone a Fix pls ??? PS: Im a German Player but in English is better to find an Awnser 🙂 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCataclisma 82 Posted November 19, 2023 Hello. Please, EDIT your message and add all your code inside the specific box that appears when you click the "code" option in the message's upper tool bar - preferably post it using the "C++" option. Otherwise, it's not only awful to read it here, but it will show several "false" error codes whether we try to paste it in another software to check. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fabianbecker19 1 Posted November 19, 2023 8 minutes ago, JCataclisma said: Hello. Please, EDIT your message and add all your code inside the specific box that appears when you click the "code" option in the message's upper tool bar - preferably post it using the "C++" option. Otherwise, it's not only awful to read it here, but it will show several "false" error codes whether we try to paste it in another software to check. is this better ??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCataclisma 82 Posted November 19, 2023 A better answer was given in the next message.Oh, yeah, much better! I have thrown your code into notepad++, and it shows a missing "}" for the very first "{": class CfgORBAT { So just try and add it followed by semicolon at the very end, to see whether it works. So your last lines should be like: Assets[] = {{I_Plane_Fighter_04_F,5},{I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F,5}}; }; }; }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harzach 2518 Posted November 20, 2023 Line 301 is missing a closing bracket: Assets[] = {{I_Truck_02_transport_F,2},{I_MRAP_03_hmg_F,1}; // should be Assets[] = {{I_Truck_02_transport_F,2},{I_MRAP_03_hmg_F,1}}; 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fabianbecker19 1 Posted November 20, 2023 22 hours ago, JCataclisma said: A better answer was given in the next message.Oh, yeah, much better! I have thrown your code into notepad++, and it shows a missing "}" for the very first "{": class CfgORBAT { So just try and add it followed by semicolon at the very end, to see whether it works. So your last lines should be like: Assets[] = {{I_Plane_Fighter_04_F,5},{I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F,5}}; }; }; }; }; }; im already tried it but, the problem has been fixed. i start my laptop (2. PC i have) and write a little/save it and now it is all fine and work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fabianbecker19 1 Posted November 20, 2023 16 hours ago, Harzach said: Line 301 is missing a closing bracket: Assets[] = {{I_Truck_02_transport_F,2},{I_MRAP_03_hmg_F,1}; // should be Assets[] = {{I_Truck_02_transport_F,2},{I_MRAP_03_hmg_F,1}}; thanks, somehow this guys shown on ORBAT but the 3. Squad have only 1 Truck, with you i see this missing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fabianbecker19 1 Posted November 20, 2023 i hade the Bug again, he says missing } but i got it, he show this when you missing a } in the assets. Stiupid Editor XD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites