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Where do I find the folder for missions that Ive Exported?

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So, the last 2 weeks Ive been working on a mission and this morning I exported it to my single missions to try it out. However, before I playing it I ended up accidently saving a blank mission over my original mission in the editor. So, the mission.sgm file in my editor is completely gone, Poof!. I did try to do a deep search but nothing is found.

BUT, when I go to the exported single missions, my original mission is still present and playable (altho not 100% finished)


So, my question is, where do I find the copy of the mission that was exported and copy that mission.sqm back into my original Editor file to recover the original mission?

Make sense?

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6 hours ago, genpatton043 said:

where do I find the copy of the mission that was exported

Inside your <Arma 3 folder>\Missions or \MPMissions


6 hours ago, genpatton043 said:

copy that mission.sqm back into my original Editor file to recover the original mission?

  • Open it with PBO Manager:
    https://github.com/winseros/pboman3 (I don't use this version personally but you can Google another).
  • Extract to your work folder (usually <your windows profile>\documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\<profile>

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15 hours ago, RCA3 said:

Inside your <Arma 3 folder>\Missions or \MPMissions


  • Open it with PBO Manager:
    https://github.com/winseros/pboman3 (I don't use this version personally but you can Google another).
  • Extract to your work folder (usually <your windows profile>\documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\<profile>

Thank you, that's exactly what I needed to know. Not quite sure how I missed that, but its fixed nonetheless.


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2 hours ago, evelynneethelreda said:

I exported it to my single missions folder to test it out.

Welcome to BI forums!

If you exported your mission then it will be in a pbo format here:

C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Missions

Just locate it in that folder and then open and extract it with pbo manager and then add the extracted folder to

your editor folder. Nothing lost.

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