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(BUG) Tank shooting himself

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I noticed few of my vehicles engaged ennemies in a strange way; so I ran test, putting vehicles in the airport field with direct line of sight, no elevation...


-One tank from the UAF Vehicles Pack (T-84 Oplot M) seems to shoot himself. It's hard to explain, but it goes like this: The muzzle flash went, but no HE is fired away. Instead, the tank looks hit just below the gun/cannon. There's an explosion right in front of him, that comes from his shoot.


-Same thing with Russian Vehicles But With Improved Textures, the self-propelled artillery 2S3M1 "Acacia" is shooting, but the explosion is just in front of him. Just as if it comes from the driver's seat.


In both cases, no vehicles in front of them can be hit in any way. I've tried with 10 VS 1, it's bugged.


Obviously, same problem, two different mods...So it must come from somewhere else. Does any veteran here have a guess ? t(h)anks...

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Here you are in editing & scripting section, vanilla Arma, even if your script can be related to mods. In this case, you need to list your mods and share the scripts you wrote or used.

If you want help for your own modded vehicles, post in Addons - config & scripting section.
If you are using mods, try to send a message to the author(s). The main mods have feedback trackers and possible chats on discord.

Always try in a very basic scenario, without useless mod in term of debug.

Your issue could come from:

- a wrong token in config for your vehicle (or part of it like turrets, or even magazines, ammos). Perhaps, a wrong fire LOD, inverted? I can't say

- a wrong token for ammo (delay to explode... or else)

- a wrong script (event handlers on fire or projectile can lead to such case).


Without more context, you can wait for hints from authors... or send a message to them.

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salut pierre !


here's the list of mods I'm using: Quite a lot (32), but nothing fancy really.

-CUP Terrains CORE

-CUP Terrains - Maps

-Depressed Lightning


-CUP Weapons

-CUP Units



-CUP Vehicles

-RHS VDV Beret&Ushanka Retexture

-Soviet Insignias

-MSW Russian Uniforms

-Russian Uniform Re-texture project



-RHS Cup Russian Armed Forces 2022

-Russian Helmets Re-texture project

-Spooky Insignias

-O&T Expansion Eden

-Russian Vehicles But With Improved Textures

-3den Enhanced

-Chernarus 2035

-Donetsk Peoples Republic Patches & Insignia


-Flags & Banners & Insignia-Ukraine






-UAF Vehicles Pack

-PT-91 Poland Ukraine


The two in bold are those concerning both vehicles.

I'm very new and didn't touch any config or script at all.

I spotted the "bug" not during a scenario, but in the editor. Nothing on the map except one of my bugged tank facing ennemies IFV and shooting on his feet. The scene happened on the airport field; precisely because I was testing my new downloaded vehicles before putting them in a scenario.

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I can just add that is very, VERY common to have some or several vehicles from mods, especially those which only replaced the textures, showing up with the weapon's muzzle "lock" with the firing animation "on", and then doing the opposite and disappearing  once weapon is shot.
It usually also happen regarding the front lights (pilot lights).

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Sometimes mods just don't work with other mods. This is part of Arma and sometimes mods that work don't work anymore after updates also part of arma. 

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