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garrison units script - random place units in buildings

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Here is a simple script that spawns units in buildings randomly.  I got tired of hand placing units with the 3d editor.


// populates building positions with units according to parameters
	0: center position to search for houses (position)
	1: radius to search for (number)
	2: spawn chance to spawn unit in house position  (0.0-1.0)
	3: max number of units to spawn (number)
	4: array of classnames to spawn  (array of strings)
	5: side of units to spawn (side)
	6: OPTIONAL: DisableAI "MOVE"  (bool)  // stops ai from moving
	7: OPTIONAL: SetUnitPos "UP"  (bool) // keeps unit standing 

Private ["_basePos", "_radius", "_spawnChance", "_maxUnits", "_aryManClass", "_side", "_disableMove", "_enableStanding"];
Private ["_spawnedUnits", "_aryHouse", "_aryHousePos", "_aryUnits", "_grp"];

Params [["_basePos",[0,0,0],[[]],3], ["_radius",100,[0]], ["_spawnChance",0.5,[0.0]], ["_maxUnits",10,[0]], ["_aryManClass",["I_Soldier_F"],[[]]], ["_side",resistance,[west]], ["_disableMove",false,[false]], ["_enableStanding",false,[false]]];

_spawnedUnits = 0;  // holds total number of spawned units

// get array of nearby houses
_aryHouse = [];

_aryHouse = NearestObjects [_basePos, ["House"], _radius];
_aryHousePos = [];

// get array of house positions for all houses
	Private ["_house", "_ary"];
	_house = _x;
	_ary = [_x] Call BIS_fnc_BuildingPositions;
	if (Count _ary > 0) then { _aryHousePos = _aryHousePos + _ary; };

} foreach _aryHouse;

// shuffle house positions
_aryHousePos = _aryHousePos Call BIS_fnc_ArrayShuffle;

_aryUnits = [];

// create random units for each of the remaining house positions
_grp = CreateGroup _side;
_grp EnableAttack false;  // leader won't issue attack commands

	Private ["_pos", "_manClass", "_man"];
	_pos = _x;
	if ( ((Random 100)/100) < _spawnChance ) then
		if (_spawnedUnits < _maxUnits) then
			_spawnedUnits = _spawnedUnits + 1;
			_manClass = _aryManClass Call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom;
			_man = _grp CreateUnit [_manClass, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"];
			_man SetPos _pos;
			_man SetDir (Random 360);
			DoStop _man;
			if (_disableMove) then {_man DisableAI "MOVE"};
			if (_enableStanding) then {_man SetUnitPos "UP"};
			_aryUnits Set [(Count _aryUnits), _man];
			//SystemChat str(_spawnedUnits);
	// terminate extra iterations if max units reached
	if (_spawnedUnits >= _maxUnits) Exitwith {};
} foreach _aryHousePos;



here is how to execute the script:

assuming you named the script "garrison_units.sqf"



0: center position to search for houses (position)

1: radius to search for (number)

2: spawn chance to spawn unit in house position  (0.0-1.0)

3: max number of units to spawn (number)

4: array of classnames to spawn  (array of strings)

5: side of units to spawn (side)

6: OPTIONAL: DisableAI "MOVE"  (bool)  // stops ai from moving

7: OPTIONAL: SetUnitPos "UP"  (bool) // keeps unit standing


Returns: array of spawned units

if (IsServer) then
	_units = [GetPos Player, 100, 0.5, 50, ["I_Soldier_F","I_Soldier_AR_F","I_Soldier_GL_F"], resistance] Call Compile 			PreprocessFileLineNumbers "garrison_units.sqf";

	{ _x SetSkill["AimingAccuracy",0.0]; } foreach _units;


I believe you should run the script server side only

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Params already privates your variables, so this:

Private ["_basePos", "_radius", "_spawnChance", "_maxUnits", "_aryManClass", "_side", "_disableMove", "_enableStanding"];  //  REDUNDANT
Private ["_spawnedUnits", "_aryHouse", "_aryHousePos", "_aryUnits", "_grp"];

Params [["_basePos",[0,0,0],[[]],3], ["_radius",100,[0]], ["_spawnChance",0.5,[0.0]], ["_maxUnits",10,[0]], ["_aryManClass",["I_Soldier_F"],[[]]], ["_side",resistance,[west]], ["_disableMove",false,[false]], ["_enableStanding",false,[false]]];

can be this:

Params [

(expanded vertically for clarity, I prefer to write complex arrays this way)

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Zens occupy house script works great. Try his, it places units facing out at windows and in kneeling position in random positions even rooftop if necessary. 

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When I try to use it gives "wrong number in expression" error. 

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