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Unfair play - No kill cam and detectors by range

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In encounters (not in a team), players are killing you by using someone else kill cam, so they can know where you are, what are you doing... This is often and I know it because I'm doing the same. Players even kill thenselves as soon as the match starts, to give the others positions to his friend. Kill cam should only show 10 seconds and then you are disconected back to shelter. Detectors also should only inform you that there is someone in 50 meters range to alow a fair play.

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It's something that shouldn't be in the game because it is abused more often than not.

It should be fade to black and then back to your shelter.

Is it something that's going to be addressed by the Dev team?

I highly doubt it...

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A verdade que os desenvolvedores não estão nem aí! 

É um jogo que não traz lucro faz tempo! Vendem moedinhas para comprar luvinha, cuequinha de lã por 500 moedas kkkkkkkk só rindo!

Câmera da morte é a maior PIADA deste jogo.
Nunca vi tanto jogadores solos jogando junto e se beneficiando de um recurso tão simples de acabar! 

Morreu, casa!  

Pior do que isso? 



Deixa de comprar nutela e toddynho por 1 ano para comprar o CRONUS ZEN

Tem mais kills do que embates, brazucas são os piores! 

Pra piorar deve ser o cara que ainda critíca político kkkkkkk 

Muito fácil perceber e banir, falta ânimo do desenvolvedores para tal feito, acredito que seja só estagiários fazendo a manutenção do jogo que sempre BUGA, Nada contra, apenas demonstrando o zêlo que a desenvolvedora tem pelo jogo! 

Mesmo assim com meu xbox one fat, ainda consigo me divertir, zoar eles nas partidas na pura estratégia!!

Não é por acaso as roupas camufladas no jogo, já já tem hackeado pedindo para banir as roupas camufladas!

Pode chamar de camper, rato, cúnomato, minhoca, kkkkkk o que for! 

Morre na estratégia!  


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I have no issues with portable detectors since they reduced the carry capacity to two per loadout and the one only offer snapshots of one single nearby signal be it a person or a transmitter. Jammers are there to hide to you as well so that’s 100% fair gameplay in my view.

That said! I 100% agree there should either be no kill cam at all or only show a rewind of the last few seconds to show you who killed you and how you died etc. this kills two birds with one stone as if anyone is cheating thie modified death cam from the killers POV would highlight this! Thoughts? 🙂 

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I have to agree, this should be redesigned or eliminated. I have been killed many times because someone or another player friend told others where I am due to watching kill cam.

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I think somebody else once suggested a shorter kill cam feature instead like “hey you died, here’s the last 10 seconds to show how you died from the perspective of the killer” this would still be fine in my books 

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Hello hello, subject already often brought up on the table by the players!

Unfortunately there is not much to do... The best you can do (which I do for my part) is to recover the name of the player who does this and kills you and to blacklist him.
If you come across him again, close the application, he will play alone in this game.

And you shouldn't believe that everyone does it; it's really a minority of players.


On PS5 in 3 months of play I have only seen 4 or 5 players like that, mainly players in the world ranking of killers.

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How does blacklisting someone who you can’t prove is receiving information from outside the game fix anything? That just allows friends to gang together against a single individual because you didn’t like getting killed by them.


The only way to prevent this from happening is to remove it from the game or reduce the length to 5-10 seconds.


Just because you haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.


It seems that this issue is never going to be addressed. So playing as stealth is not a viable solution. Any consumables used or loot attempted to extract is wasted time.


Lone Wolf XP boost is also not adequately proportionate to the risk involved. Rewards should reflect the risks and time to earn. Instead it’s hidden behind a pay wall to increase loot drops.

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