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Attack helicopter poll

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AI vs AI. For some reason the Hind always would shoot the machine gun first before the Apache could get locked on the Hind wow.gif

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in ofp hinds a clear winnah, in real life its probly to, just upgrade its systems to modern day and u have a transport attack helecopter all in one neat package.

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Well it depends on the pilot.

If i was flying a hind i would not go below 30 ft because it's hard to recover. In an apache...well let's just say i've seen some crazy stuff wathing army air corp guys!

The Apache would be a lot less easy to detect due to it's ir blockers and other fangled gadgetry plus of course it's smaller.

With gunships you have to realise the person that usually wins is the person that launches his/her weapon first, Hinds aren't stronger than apaches when it comes to modern AA missiles.

That should be final as this is my area of expertise! biggrin.gif

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hind can be multi purpose it can carry ground troops, more resistant to ground fire, carrys a heavy load and is faster, apache has fancy electronics and a little more manoverable, but ild rather have the hind, it can do more, and equiped with sum ultra modern tech it would IMO be the better bird.

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Like i said it depends if the hind is carrying troops or extra fuel.

Speed doesn't matter, you want to be able to conceal your helicopter not just charge at stuff firing.

The hind of course has a different doctrine, it is to be used as a flying tank. Which in today's battlefield will get it shot down in a matter of minutes.

If you had a hind going against and apache head on at 300 ft both at full speed. They would probably both fall.

In my opinion the Hind can be a very useful piece of equipment, like people have said before if Hinds had been used in Somalia they might have had more success.

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