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Trigger to de-spawn AI?

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I am working on randomized patrols using the scenario framework. And I have a pretty good system setup.


But my one problem is I don't know how to de-spawn the AI when you leave the trigger area. There is no entity in workbench. I don't want to fill Everon with AI as you enter each trigger area.


I don't know enough about enfusion scripting yet to develop a user script. 


Any ideas?

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I guess you already found the solution. Can you share your video (or text solution) where the thing is shown?


I already posted the text solution here:


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You can try to create area and under the area create layer. Under the layer create slotai. In each slotai spawn the unit you want. Make sure you have gamemodesf component in your game more settings and activate spawn/despawn. That allows you when entering the area spawn the units and when you leave spawn them again in previous position.

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