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Can AI handle moving in a steerable parachute?

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Hi all,


Another question: When any AI unit does a parachute jump, they just seem to hold their position and not be able to move anywhere. Any group commands such as "Move to" or "Form up/Rejoin Formation" don't have any effect other than the AI reporting in the negative.


That's a bit sad, because it prevents the AI from doing proper HAHO (high altitude, high opening) jumps. Is it really only possible to do this as a player? Or is there any way to get them to move somewhere (equivalent to players using WASD keys)?





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It can be done.  I've used an edited script of mando_chute.

Easiest way to show implemented is to download @Beerkan Simple ParaDrop Script (latest version).

Replace eject.sqf with the following code.  I have only edited a bit and added the edited mando_chute (all credits to Beerkan & Mandoble) for demonstration:

  Reveal hidden contents

Open the mission in the editor.

Place a marker on the ground, near you, or wherever close so you can see, and name it mk_land.

Save the mission.

Play and observe where the AI troops steer/land.


You can edit/use as you see fit.  This was just a "throw together something quick" for demo purpose.

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