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Creating artillery battery fire for effect manually

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Hi guys!

I'm new to Arma and I'm really into playing artillery. I established in Eden Editor 1 soldier as an FO ( so as him I can provide for myself target coordinates) and 1piece of M4 Schorcher.  So after I receive my target coordinate as an FO I calculate the range (elevation from the M4 Schorchers rangetable) and direction then I open fire to the target. As I wrote I do everything manually and it works well but my problem is that somehow I want to fire with all the 6 Schorcher at the same time with my calculated values (elevation and direction) to simulate a fire for effect. My question is, is it possible to control all the 6 gun at the same time or it isn't possible? 

Thanks for your help. 

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Hi there @Jurika96, welcome to the forums!

So if I understand correctly, you want to manually fire multiple artillery units at the same time?

Of course, because each artillery/mortar is on a different spot, and none are sitting 100% flat, each needs its' own elevation and rotation.

Easy way:
If you want to fire several artillery shots at once, then I would recommend the Support Modules. See YouTube for a tutorial:

Hard way:
If you insist on the no artillery computer/no map clicking, then you can probably script something with animateSource and animateSourcePhase, where the other turrets copy the movement of yours. I'm not behind a PC, will look into it if I have time later.

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Yes, you understood me well. 
Thank you for your help, it helped me a lot,  tomorrow I will try it. 

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I use this to shoot chairs into the air... but you can also use it for doArtilleryFire 


	//list of useful globals

	artyGuy = _homie ; 	
	unitsNato  = _yammers  select 0  ;
	leg  = _yammers  select 1  ;
	gap  = _yammers  select 2  ;
	legb  = _yammers  select 3  ;
	bump  = _yammers  select 4  ;
	modulZ  = _yammers  select  5 ;
	//artyGuy  = _yammers  select  6 ;
	dixa  = _yammers  select  7 ;
	dix  = _yammers  select  8 ;
	getAngleToMarker  = _yammers  select 9 ;
	legToMarkx  = _yammers  select  10 ;
	legToMarky  = _yammers  select  11 ;
	bumpx  = _yammers  select  12 ;
	bumpy  = _yammers  select 13  ;
	racksModulZ  = _yammers  select 14  ;
	racksModulZZ  = _yammers  select 15 ;
	modulZX  = _yammers  select 16  ;
	modulZS  = _yammers  select  17 ;
	modulXX  = _yammers  select   18  ;
	totalXOv  = _yammers  select   19  ;
	farAcross  = _yammers  select  20 ;
	squarezOv  = _yammers  select 21  ;
	totalYOv  = _yammers  select  22 ;
	farAcrossY  = _yammers  select 23  ;
	squarezOvY  = _yammers  select  24 ;
	squarezOv2  = _yammers  select  25 ;
	squarezOvY2  = _yammers  select 26 ; 
	markDirx = _yammers select 27 ;
	dix2 = _yammers select 28 ;

	private _area = ( vehicles inAreaArray 'ladyS' ) ;   
	private _alsocount = count ( allUnits inAreaArray 'ladyS' );    
	private _alsocountV = count ( vehicles inAreaArray 'ladyS' ); 

	//kinda tricky
	//modulZX is how many across you want 
	//modulZS is how far across you go
	//modulXX is supposed to deliver any remainder through racks
		private _racksModulZHx = ceil( _unitsNatoHx  / _modulZHx );
		-->private _racksModulZZHx = ( _unitsNatoHx  / _modulZHx );
 		private _modulZXHx = _modulZHx  ;
 		private _modulZSHx = _racksModulZHx  ;
 		private _modulXXHx =  ( _unitsNatoHx  %  _modulZHx ) ;

		private _totalXOvHx = abs( _bumpxHx *  _modulZHx )  ;
		private _farAcrossHx = abs( _bumpyHx * _modulZHx) ;
		private _squarezOvHx = sqrt ( ( _totalXOvHx * _totalXOvHx) + ( _farAcrossHx * _farAcrossHx ) ) ;

 		private _totalYOvHx = abs( _bumpxHx *  _racksModulZZHx )  ;
 		private _farAcrossYHx = abs( _bumpyHx * _racksModulZZHx ) ;
 		private _squarezOvYHx = sqrt ( ( _totalYOvHx * _totalYOvHx) + ( _farAcrossYHx * _farAcrossYHx) ) ;
	//basically from here... there's no determining how many coloumns there are
	//consider trying that... you could runinto a error where you put more cols and croxs than units are.
	//its one way or the other when practicing automatic selection

	//so call this script the pre-width and another one the pre-col... it would work out that way until you can compare

	//one other set of errors... calling out a width wider than units or vice versa

	private _modulZX = modulZX ;
	private _modulZS = modulZS ;
	_modulXXs = ( modulXX ) ;
	_modulXX = ( _modulXXs - 1) ;

	hint ( str modulZX + " z " + str modulXX  + " x " + str modulZS + " s " + str racksModulZ  + " r " + str racksModulZZ  + " r ." );
	//sleep 7 ;

	_groups = [] ; 
	_objects = [] ; 
	_Vehicles = [] ;   
		_Vehicles pushBack _x  ;   
	} forEach _area ;  
	private _namr = 'jop_' ;  
	private _namr2 = 'zop_' ;    
	//private _wGroup =''  ;    
	//_wGroup = missionNamespace getVariable [ _wGroup , objNull];      
	//_WGroup = createGroup west ;   
	private _count = 1 ;    
	private _blam  = '' ;  
	private _blamo  = '' ;    
		_blam = _namr +  (str _count) ; 
		_x setName _blam ; 
		stag = _count ;
		//_blamo = _namr2 +  (str stag  ) ;    
		//_x setGroupId  [_blamo] ;
		_x = missionNamespace setVariable[_blam, _x];     
		_groups pushback  _blam ;    
		_objects pushback  _blam ;   

		_count = _count + 1;  
	} forEach  _Vehicles  ;   
_count = _count - 1;   
hint ('the count...' + str _count) ;
//sleep 2 ;
_startSen2 = 'jop_'  ;     
_startTar2 = 'leadOne' ;     
private _finSen2 = '';      
private _finTar2 = '';     
private _mySpot = getPos leadOne  ;   
private _doubleCo = 0 ;   

what = ( _mySpot  select 0 )  ;   
what2 = ( _mySpot  select 1 )   ;  

hold = what ; 
hold2 = what2 ; 

stepper  = 1 ;

stepperx  = 1 ;
_bang = 1 ;
_hox = 0 ;
_waitTimeToFireAfterData = 8 ;
hint ('firing in ' + str _waitTimeToFireAfterData) ;
sleep _waitTimeToFireAfterData  ;

wallx = 1 ; 

ranCirRad = 12;
ranCirInner = 330 ;

_markerTargetZ = createMarker['targetZone', ( _mySpot )] ;
_markerTargetZ setMarkerShape 'ELLIPSE';	
_markerTargetZ setMarkerSize [ ranCirRad , ranCirRad];

for [{private _i=1},{_i <= _modulZX    },{_i = _i + 1}] do
	scopeName 'forShoot' ;
	for [{private _j= 0},{ _j < _modulZS    },{ _j = _j + 1}] do
		_randomZ = random 610  ; 
		_randomXY = random ranCirRad ;
		_randomXY = _randomXY + ranCirInner ;
		private _centerZ = _mySpot getPos [ _randomXY , _randomZ ] ;
		passSx = ( _centerZ  select 0 )   ;
		passSy = ( _centerZ  select 1 )    ;
		sweet = _j ; 
		if( sweet == _modulXX && _i == _modulZX ) then 
			breakTo 'forShoot' ; //this shit sux and causes it to move around from _i
		} ;

		if(_hox == 1 ) then
			wallx = wallx + _modulZX ; 
			_bang = wallx ; 
		} ;
		if( _hox == 0 ) then
			//_bang = ( ( (  stepperx )  * _j  ) * _modulZX ) + stepperx ;
			_bang = _i ;
			_hox = 1 ; 
		} ;


		what = passSx ;  
		what2 = passSy  ; 
		_finSen2 = _startSen2 + str ( _bang ) +'' ;  
		_finTar2 = _startTar2 ;
		_finSen2 = missionNamespace getVariable [_finSen2 , objNull];    

		_finTar2 = missionNamespace getVariable  [_finTar2 , objNull ];   
		_finTar2 setPos[ what , what2 , getPos leadOne select 2 ];   

		_myShot = getPos leadOne ;

		_faze = _finSen2 getDir targetAnimal ;
		//_faze = _faze + 180 ;
		_faze = _faze ;
		//regularScaler = 99111600 ;
		distanceTo = _finSen2 distance2D targetAnimal ;

		//ratOvX = sin ( _faze ) ;
		//ratOvy = cos( _faze ) ;
		//pushX = regularScaler * ratOvX ;
		//pushY = regularScaler * ratOvY ;

		//_finSen2 addForce [[pushX ,pushY  ,6780], [ 1,0, 0]];
		//_finSen2 addForce [[pushX ,pushY  ,1766780], [ 1,0, 1]];

		_myCur = getPos _finSen2 ;
		_nowX =  ( _myCur select 0 ) ; 
		_nowY =  ( _myCur select 1 ) + 100;
		_nowZ =  ( _myCur select 2 ) + 1000 ;
		_newPosAB = [(_nowX),(_nowY),(_nowZ)] ;
		//_finSen2 doMove (getpos targetAnimal ) ;
		_finSen2 doMove (_newPosAB ) ;
 		//sleep 4 ;
		//hint( str _myShot  ) ;
   		//sleep (.03) ;
		what = hold ;  
		what2 = hold2; 
		//sleep (5.1) ;

		stepperx  = _i + 1 ;
		_hox = 0 ; 	
		wallx = stepperx ;
		//sleep (12.3) ;

_finTar2 setPos[hold,hold2,getPos leadOne select 2 ];

hint('finished firing' ) ;
sleep 2 ;






ignoring the way the loop shoots off rows and columns... and just individuals....



		_randomZ = random 610  ; 
		_randomXY = random ranCirRad ;
		_randomXY = _randomXY + ranCirInner ;
		private _centerZ = _mySpot getPos [ _randomXY , _randomZ ] ;
		passSx = ( _centerZ  select 0 )   ;
		passSy = ( _centerZ  select 1 )    ;
		sweet = _j ; 

		what = passSx ;  
		what2 = passSy  ; 
		_finSen2 = _startSen2 + str ( _bang ) +'' ;  
		_finTar2 = _startTar2 ;
		_finSen2 = missionNamespace getVariable [_finSen2 , objNull];    

		_finTar2 = missionNamespace getVariable  [_finTar2 , objNull ];   
		_finTar2 setPos[ what , what2 , getPos leadOne select 2 ];   

		_myShot = getPos leadOne ;

		_faze = _finSen2 getDir targetAnimal ;
		//_faze = _faze + 180 ;
		_faze = _faze ;
		//regularScaler = 99111600 ;
		distanceTo = _finSen2 distance2D targetAnimal ;

		//ratOvX = sin ( _faze ) ;
		//ratOvy = cos( _faze ) ;
		//pushX = regularScaler * ratOvX ;
		//pushY = regularScaler * ratOvY ;

		//_finSen2 addForce [[pushX ,pushY  ,6780], [ 1,0, 0]];
		//_finSen2 addForce [[pushX ,pushY  ,1766780], [ 1,0, 1]];

		_myCur = getPos _finSen2 ;
		_nowX =  ( _myCur select 0 ) ; 
		_nowY =  ( _myCur select 1 ) + 100;
		_nowZ =  ( _myCur select 2 ) + 1000 ;
		_newPosAB = [(_nowX),(_nowY),(_nowZ)] ;
		//_finSen2 doMove (getpos targetAnimal ) ;
		_finSen2 doMove (_newPosAB ) ;
 		//sleep 4 ;
		//hint( str _myShot  ) ;
   		//sleep (.03) ;
		what = hold ;  
		what2 = hold2; 
		//sleep (5.1) ;

//_finTar2 setPos[hold,hold2,getPos leadOne select 2 ];

hint('finished firing' ) ;
sleep 2 ;


... so that you can have shots... that make shapes or squares what not... replacing doMove with doArtilleryFire commands

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