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Stutter when turning

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Ryzen 3900x | 16GB | 2080 Ti

What  might be causing the game to stutter, even with 60 to 70FPS, when turning?  If I'm in a vehicle for example, it's smooth as long as I don't move the mouse.  Mouse smoothing all the way up helps smooth the turning, but feels very strange. 

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try this


On 6/30/2009 at 9:20 PM, Alex72 said:

Just adding this again. Maybe i added it already but this helped many with mouse lag.

Windows - Control Panel - Mouse. Turn "ENHANCE MOUSE POINTER" off. Now go test ARMA2. I tested this and it removed the lag. However if there was real lag as in when my pc cant handle the game - you have lag ofcourse. This is true for most games. But that trick worked for many. So test it! And good luck.


Here are some threads where there are people who solved similar problems





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