SirBassi 10 Posted July 27, 2022 Hi together, Last weeks I learned a lot about localisations, using them etc. with the help of the Forum here. And 90% percent of my planned Mission is tested and works but on one finally point I get absolute in struggle. I wanna use at the very end of the mission following part: - cinemaborder fade in - keyframe animation makes a cameraride around the players - cinemborder fade out - mission endscreen But the Keyframe animation seems to be my personal "endboss" in this way. First of All: On SP and MP it works but all tries to execute on Dedicated was totally failures. And I think it is a Localisation Problem again. I am not sure because of missing Infos in BI Wiki if this Module is Local Arg and Local Exc but I expect. I tried to remoteexecute the BI Fnc direct, I tried to remoteexecute execVM the BI fnc in a separate Script, I tried to to start the BI fnc with a trigger and executed the Trigger by Script (Trigger were mostly used in Tutorials I watched), I tried different settings inside Timeline Modul to play with and without loop and also start paused and not paused, I tried to execute before the BI init fnc. And now I am just clueless. This is such a very cute Feature of Animation and I hope some of you have a idea for me. BI Wiki: Keyframe Animation: BI Wiki: BIS_fnc_timeline_play: BI Wiki: BIS_fnc_timeline_init: Code Outro (last Testbuild, changed very often: Spoiler sleep 4; //Ereignisbeginn [0,2] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder"]; //in Timeline hinterlegt //cam1 switchCamera "INTERNAL"; sleep 2; //[]remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_keyframeAnimation_init"]; //[timeline001] remoteExec ["Bis_fnc_timeline_play"]; //"finale\timeline.sqf" remoteexec ["execVm", 2]; //taskOutro = true; //publicVariable "taskOutro"; //"finale\timeline.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM", 2]; //private _startOutro = [ timeline001 ] call BIS_fnc_timeline_play; //Ereignisende //in Timeline hinterlegt //player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; //sleep 41; "finale\timeline.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM", 2]; sleep 41; [1,2] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder"]; sleep 5; ["end1", true, 5, true, true] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_endMission"]; Code Timeline (not needed to outsource in annother Script I think): Spoiler //if (isServer) then //{ call BIS_fnc_keyframeAnimation_init; [timeline001] call BIS_fnc_timeline_play; //}; Thanks for your support. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites