Casio91Fin 31 Posted June 12, 2022 _MaxActiveAI = 40; _MaxAiTeams = 150; _TotalSpawned = 0; TeamLeaders = ["rhs_msv_officer", "rhs_msv_sergeant","rhs_msv_efreitor","rhs_msv_junior_sergeant"]; Infantry = ["rhs_msv_rifleman","rhs_msv_grenadier","rhs_msv_LAT","rhs_msv_RShG2","rhs_msv_medic","rhs_msv_machinegunner","rhs_msv_grenadier_rpg","rhs_msv_engineer","rhs_msv_arifleman_rpk","rhs_msv_at","rhs_msv_arifleman"]; LightVeh = ["rhsgref_BRDM2_msv","O_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"]; MedVeh = ["rhs_btr60_msv","rhs_btr70_msv","rhs_btr80_msv","rhs_bmp2k_tv"]; HeavyVeh = ["rhs_t72ba_tv","rhs_t80","rhs_t80a"]; while {_TotalSpawned < _MaxAiTeams} do { while {count units east <= _MaxActiveAI - 1 && _TotalSpawned < _MaxAiTeams} do { if (_MaxActiveAI - count units east >= 20) then { for "_x" from 0 to 1 do { New_AI_Team = createGroup [east, true]; AI_Team_Spawn_Pos = [Pos_1, 150, 200, 2, 0, 1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; Team_Leader = New_AI_Team createUnit [TeamLeaders select floor (random count TeamLeaders), AI_Team_Spawn_Pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; Team_Leader allowFleeing 0; Team_Leader setSkill (0.75 + random 0.25); Team_leader disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; Team_leader disableAI "MINEDETECTION"; sleep .5; for "_x" from 0 to (2 + (floor random 3 + 2)) do { New_Soldier = New_AI_Team createUnit [Infantry select floor (random count Infantry), AI_Team_Spawn_Pos, [], 0 ,"NONE"]; New_Soldier allowFleeing 0.05; New_Soldier setSkill (0.45 + random 0.35); New_Soldier disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; New_Soldier disableAI "MINEDETECTION"; }; sleep .5; New_AI_Team setBehaviour "COMBAT"; New_AI_Team setCombatMode "RED"; _task = round (random 2); switch (_task) do { case 0: {[New_AI_Team, getposATL Pos_1] call BIS_fnc_taskAttack;}; case 1: {createGuardedPoint [east, Pos_1, -1, objNull]; _wp1 = New_AI_Team addWaypoint [Pos_1, random 120 + 80]; _wp1 setWaypointType "GUARD"; _wp1 setWaypointCompletionRadius 10;}; default {[New_AI_Team, getposATL Pos_1] call BIS_fnc_taskAttack;}; }; _TotalSpawned = _TotalSpawned + 1; }; hintSilent format ["Enemy Team Spawned: %1 / %2", _TotalSpawned, _MaxAiTeams]; }; if (_TotalSpawned >= _MaxAiTeams) then { hint "The last enemy team was born. Find and destroy them. No survivors!"; playmusic "leadtrack02_f_epb"; waitUntil {{alive _x && (side _x) == east} count allUnits == 0}; sleep 1; playSound "Beep"; sleep 1.5; playSound "Beep"; sleep 1.5; playSound "Beep"; sleep 1.5; playSound "Beep"; sleep 1.5; "END1" call BIS_fnc_endMission; }; }; sleep 60; }; How to add a vehicle by choosing one of three different vehicle types at random Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stormmy1950 42 Posted June 12, 2022 Honestly it would help you if explained it a bit more what do you need help with. 1 hour ago, Casio91Fin said: How to add a vehicle by choosing one of three different vehicle types at random If i understand this correctly it you want to choose random type of vehicle then from there you want to choose random vehicle if so it should go something like this: LightVeh = ["rhsgref_BRDM2_msv","O_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"]; MedVeh = ["rhs_btr60_msv","rhs_btr70_msv","rhs_btr80_msv","rhs_bmp2k_tv"]; HeavyVeh = ["rhs_t72ba_tv","rhs_t80","rhs_t80a"]; private _randomNumber = (floor random 3); switch (_randomNumber) do { case 1: { private _randomLightVeh = selectRandom LightVeh; private _lightVeh = createVehicle[_randomLightVeh,position player,[],0,"None"]; }; case 2: { private _randomMedVeh = selectRandom MedVeh; private _MedtVeh = createVehicle[_randomMedVeh,position player,[],0,"None"]; }; case 3: { private _randomHeavytVeh = selectRandom HeavyVeh; private _HeavytVeh = createVehicle[_randomHeavytVeh,position player,[],0,"None"]; }; default {systemChat "testing!";}; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Casio91Fin 31 Posted June 13, 2022 true i want to choose random vehicles to AI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sarogahtyp 1109 Posted June 13, 2022 11 hours ago, Stormmy1950 said: Honestly it would help you if explained it a bit more what do you need help with. If i understand this correctly it you want to choose random type of vehicle then from there you want to choose random vehicle if so it should go something like this: LightVeh = ["rhsgref_BRDM2_msv","O_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"]; MedVeh = ["rhs_btr60_msv","rhs_btr70_msv","rhs_btr80_msv","rhs_bmp2k_tv"]; HeavyVeh = ["rhs_t72ba_tv","rhs_t80","rhs_t80a"]; private _randomNumber = (floor random 3); switch (_randomNumber) do { case 1: { private _randomLightVeh = selectRandom LightVeh; private _lightVeh = createVehicle[_randomLightVeh,position player,[],0,"None"]; }; case 2: { private _randomMedVeh = selectRandom MedVeh; private _MedtVeh = createVehicle[_randomMedVeh,position player,[],0,"None"]; }; case 3: { private _randomHeavytVeh = selectRandom HeavyVeh; private _HeavytVeh = createVehicle[_randomHeavytVeh,position player,[],0,"None"]; }; default {systemChat "testing!";}; }; No need to do that floor random and that switch thing here. This will do the same: LightVeh = ["rhsgref_BRDM2_msv","O_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"]; MedVeh = ["rhs_btr60_msv","rhs_btr70_msv","rhs_btr80_msv","rhs_bmp2k_tv"]; HeavyVeh = ["rhs_t72ba_tv","rhs_t80","rhs_t80a"]; private _VehCats = [LightVeh, MedVeh, HeavyVeh]; private _randomVeh = selectRandom (selectRandom _VehCats); private _Veh = createVehicle [_randomVeh, position player, [], 0, "None"]; @Casio91Fin But Idk what that categories are for. One could also put all vehicles in one single array: CasiosVehicles = [ "rhsgref_BRDM2_msv","O_G_Offroad_01_armed_F", "rhs_btr60_msv","rhs_btr70_msv","rhs_btr80_msv","rhs_bmp2k_tv", "rhs_t72ba_tv","rhs_t80","rhs_t80a" ]; private _randomVeh = selectRandom CasiosVehicles; private _Veh = createVehicle [_randomVeh, position player, [], 0, "None"]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites