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[WIP] Zimnitrita


Zimnitrita is a map inspired by a region in eastern Ukraine (Гороховатка / Kharkiv Oblast ).

The map is partly covered by large forests, wheat fields and villages.

Only one bridge crosses the great river, the map is separated by the Oskil river.

Only one large city will be present in the west along the river.


I try to make regular updates directly on the game workshop (map already available in 0.0.3).


Real localisation : Google maps 



  • Size 16,384 km x 16,384 km
  • Area 268,4 km²
  • 1 large city
  • Many medium and small city
  • 1 large river (Oskil)


Screenshot :






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Very impressive !

How did you managed to generate such a huge forest like this, with the actual mapping tool ?

Keep going guys !

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salut casseburne, es tu Français ?

 j'ai vu avec un grand intérêt ta carte et moi même ,e suis en trains de faire une carte sur la cote normande. je veux bien t'aider si tu veux. je t'ai envoyé une demande d'ami sur steam. 



hello casseburne,

are you french? I saw your map with great interest and I myself am making a map of the Normandy coast. I want to help you if you want. I sent you a friend request on steam.

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Hello,at first thks for your great work about this map.

I tried to created a conflict campaign on this map,but there was a problem cause all units stuck at respawn.(players stuck at the init CameraBase enity,if they want control player units,need press Y and exit GM or Arma Vision.)

Could you fix this problem?

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