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Idea of a big feature for arma 4 or reforger (persistent war like foxhole)

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A persistent war with several servers split into several regions like the foxhole game would be cool.
Or either have smaller wars with fewer servers and not have a single unique and big server

No need to do everything like foxhole, including creating weapons in factories.
Players refuel for example from the ports dock or either by sky drops.

For the maps we could keep islands, it would not be disturbing and it would favor naval combat and logistics

Bohemia interactive could boast of having the most advanced war simulation game and I think it would be the logical sequel for arma 4.
(Alongside other known and loved game modes on arma 3)

I don't expect this feature to be added but I find it quite interesting especially since there is no game like foxhole in first person view.

Thanks for reading and sorry if I made any mistakes, I'm not very good in English


Edited by TheDeadWave
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Way back when WW3 the game was announced, I was falsely told that it would be Planetside 2 scale, but with modern warfare setting. Same theory was brought up when DICE revealed BF2042 development and something about "largest scale multiplayer" they ever had. If a planetside scale map could be made with an objective system of similar respect, it'd definitely catch on.

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I am not asking for a world map but a system like foxhole, a war of several days/weeks with a more or less large map.
they may very well be small islands

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You are asking for a gamemode. I think Arma 3 already has multiple Capture-the-Island -gamemodes where it can take the server multiple days to complete the "campaign". 

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It's also a matter of game design. The current Capture the Island mode is like this, but, it all depends on how the enemy fights. I've had rounds last multiple hours, perhaps it's the case that people continuously get kicked and have to re-join to continue, but i've also had matches that didn't last 40 minutes even because they just rushed all the objectives simultaneously. But the way Interpret "a war of several days", I can only really imagine Planetside's large scale, multi-faction battlefield with a game design that is based around a long conflict with multiple objectives with varying complexity... It does get me thinking though, that Bohemia would be the perfect company suited to replicate something like that as an official multiplayer game mode on top of the Arma series. Combined arms, large scale, is the hallmark of Arma, but you never really get to experience it to the fullest, it's either faked in some way, or you have to join a guild who simulates the experience using scripts and AI. The only issue is, Bohemia is a small indie company, the engine is limited to a degree, and even more so the network infrastructure to allow such a game mode to work would need to be created from scratch to allow persistence of a battle despite the player population. None the less, it's something i'd love to see them attempt to tackle. Capture the island always felt fun in Arma, but it's even better in Reforger because the performance is good. A complete product with an integrated multiplayer experience would be even better.

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