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Vehicles configs not working right for some vehicles

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no idea, it seemed to have been "Grey" I am assuming for the SUV, since that is how it is spelt in the original SUV config

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I'm just wondering if the typo has something to do with the config not working correctly.

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nope, directly copied from the SUV config, only thing changed was all of them being set to 1 in the original config, I set only Black to 1 and all the others to 0 in mine

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So I changed around the code 


	   class RHM_SUV: C_SUV_01_F
		side = 2;
		scope = 2;
		scopeCurator = 2;
		armor = 80;
		displayname = "Armoured SUV";
		vehicleclass = "Vehicles"; //Unit Group
		faction = "RHM_FACTION"; //Faction added to, default Nato
		crew = "RHM_Soldier"; //No need to touch this unless custom faction
		typicalCargo[] = {"RHM_Soldier"}; //No need to touch this unless custom faction
		textureList[] = {"Black",1};
		class EventHandlers
            init = this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization",false];


I removed the other colours from the textureList, and changed the EventHandler, and it is still not working

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If its only going to be black, and you don't want any other colours even as a randomisation option why on earth are you not using hiddenSelections and hiddenSelectionsTextures instead of trying brute force the randomisation option to just one setting?



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because beforehand it had those lines and still showed up only in Red, but now it works with those lines, so thank you for the help for the SUV, sadly it did not fix what seems to be the same problem for some other vehicles



	   class RHM_TRANSPORT: C_Van_01_transport_F
		side = 2;
		scope = 2;
		scopeCurator = 2;
		displayname = "Truck(Transport)";
		vehicleclass = "Vehicles"; //Unit Group
		faction = "RHM_FACTION"; //Faction added to, default Nato
		crew = "RHM_Soldier"; //No need to touch this unless custom faction
		typicalCargo[] = {"RHM_Soldier"}; //No need to touch this unless custom faction
		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2","Camo3"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_ext_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa","\a3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\data\van_01_int_base_co.paa"};
		textureList[] = {"Black",1};
		class EventHandlers
            init = this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization",false];



	   class RHM_FUEL: C_Van_01_fuel_F
		side = 2;
		scope = 2;
		scopeCurator = 2;
		displayname = "Truck(Fuel)";
		vehicleclass = "Vehicles"; //Unit Group
		faction = "RHM_FACTION"; //Faction added to, default Nato
		crew = "RHM_Soldier"; //No need to touch this unless custom faction
		typicalCargo[] = {"RHM_Soldier"}; //No need to touch this unless custom faction
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_IG_01_CO.paa"};
		textureList[] = {"Black",1};
		class EventHandlers
            init = this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization",false];



	   class RHM_BOX: C_Van_01_box_F
		side = 2;
		scope = 2;
		scopeCurator = 2;
		displayname = "Truck(Box)";
		vehicleclass = "Vehicles"; //Unit Group
		faction = "RHM_FACTION"; //Faction added to, default Nato
		crew = "RHM_Soldier"; //No need to touch this unless custom faction
		typicalCargo[] = {"RHM_Soldier"}; //No need to touch this unless custom faction
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_ext_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa","","","",""};
		textureList[] = {"Black",1};
		class EventHandlers
            init = this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization",false];



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