Victim_913 26 Posted October 18, 2021 This is similar to the other post about retexture but it seems to be different after reading responses. Or at least the responses went in different direction. I've been retexturing vehicles and i try out textures in Eden using: this setObjectTexture [0,"VCTM_MARID_BODY_WHITE.paa"]; for example. After last update, i started retexturing CSAT Marid. I used Namalsk. I did the usual way i test but the textures would not show up when starting the"play". Since the Marid did not change, i used the same exact texture, the same code. I copied the init from the Marid and pasted it into an init of a Kuma. Just to make sure the texture and name and code were all correct. The Kuma showed up in game with the Marid texture. Of course it was out of place since the model was different, but it showed me that my init code (this setObjectTexture [0,"VCTM_MARID_BODY_WHITE.paa"];) and my texture, etc were all correct. * note, i am making sure the correct textures (.paa) are in the mission folder for every mission i try.. It gets weirder. No matter what, I could not get the Marid to change any texture. So i figured that the last update broke the Marid. So I worked on the NATO Rhino snow texture instead. That worked perfectly. Then i opened MALDEN. I placed a Rhino on Malden and i tried my green and tan textures to make sure they matched Maldens colors. On Malden, the Rhino was broken. I used the exact same Rhino i did on Namalsk and none of the textures worked. This is odd. So i placed a Marid down and tried using the texture i created. On Malden, the Marid worked. I could retexture the marid on malden but not the rhino. Gets weirder again. Using Malden Rhino did not work. I went back to Namalsk, I copied the working white Rhino from Namalsk. I pasted it on Malden. The copied Rhino can change textures. The rhinos that were created on Malden will not change. I even created a new Rhino after pasting the Namalsk Rhino. I coopied the init from the Namalsk Rhino and pasted it in the init of the new Rhino and still, the textures will not appear. Only a rhino copied from Namalsk could show textures entered into its init. on Malden Only a Marid copied from Malden could be retextured on Namalsk. As a final test, i opened Stratis i put a marid and a rhino. A new mission, with the same this setObjectTexture.... i've been using in their init's. Neither vehicle would show new textures. But the pasted vehicles from other missions did show new textures. ***** important.. The game thinks it is showing the new textures. If i remove the textures from the mission file, when i "play", i get the message that it could not find the textures. So the game is looking for the textures in the init of the vehicles. It finds them in the mission folder. It just won't show them. Last, i want to make sure that it's known that it's a problem with putting the hidden selection code in the init in eden editor. All textures that are packed into my final pbo work fine. It's a huge problem though. Every map has different lighting. Every vehicle has slight variations of brightness and things that interfere with textures like smdi. I cant give a dark texture to the csat shirka jet because the smdi is too bright and shows up looking like dirt on dark textures. My point is that using the init to test textures is vital. I might have to work a single texture 30-40 times just to line up camo paint lines and details to the other parts of the vehicle. I can't imagine packing a pbo for each time i try a new slight change. i hope this is helpful enough for others to try and see if they get similar results. Maybe there is a new technique i'm not aware of or something. thanks for any help Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted October 18, 2021 I remember reading that the game caches setobjecttexture files (added in the mission file) in some manner so unless you're restarting your game after each attempt or using differently named textures I'd expect it to not work. Using the command with PBO'ed textures should work as expected... On 10/18/2021 at 12:39 AM, Victim_913 said: [...] It's a huge problem though. Every map has different lighting. Every vehicle has slight variations of brightness and things that interfere with textures like smdi. I cant give a dark texture to the csat shirka jet because the smdi is too bright and shows up looking like dirt on dark textures. My point is that using the init to test textures is vital. I might have to work a single texture 30-40 times just to line up camo paint lines and details to the other parts of the vehicle. I can't imagine packing a pbo for each time i try a new slight change. Thats why you can also use setObjectMaterial to apply a custom RVMAT with different SMDI and even different normal maps (NOHQ), though I am unsure if that works with the files in the mission file - you might need those to all be in an addon PBO for it to work as I wouldn't know how you'd path the directory paths for the mission-based rvmats. Edit: On a side note, I would use the correct naming convention suffix when converting your .paa files, in your case you would use _co.paa (or rather 'texturename_co.tga/png when converting via TexView). That way the correct compression/optimisation is applied during the conversion process and it wont screw up the resulting PAA by overly compressing and causing artifacts 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2724 Posted October 20, 2021 Vehicle initialization script (including texture) is moved to postInit now. So if you setObjectTexture in init script in editor, the vehicle init script will run after that and reset the texture. You have to either execute it with delay, or use BIS_fnc_initVehicle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites