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[solved]PiP script and arsenal

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I created a UAV live feed script based on this tutorial.

However, I noticed that when I opened Arsenal while it was working, the monitor screen went black.

Is there a way around this?

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Script: liveFeedUAV
	_monitor	- <OBJECT> フィードバック再生とaddActionを行うオブジェクト
	nul = [this] execVM "scripts\liveFeedUAV1.sqf";
if (!isServer) exitWith {};

params ["_monitor"];

if (isNull _monitor) exitWith {};

_monitor setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(uavrtt1,1)"];

cam1 = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
cam1 cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "uavrtt1"];

cam1 attachTo [MQ_1, [0,0,0], "PiP0_pos"];

fnc_selectZoom = {
	private _sZoom = _this select 0;
	switch (_sZoom) do {
		case "ULTRA WIDE":
			cam1 camSetFov 0.46599999;
		case "WIDE":
			cam1 camSetFov 0.2;
		case "MEDIUM":
			cam1 camSetFov 0.1;
		case "NARROW":
			cam1 camSetFov 0.02;
		case "NARROWER":
			cam1 camSetFov 0.01;

fnc_selectMode = {
	private _sMode = _this select 0;
	switch (_sMode) do {
		case "DTV":
			"uavrtt1" setPiPEffect [0];;
		case "NV":
			"uavrtt1" setPiPEffect [1];
		case "WHOT":
			"uavrtt1" setPiPEffect [2];
		case "BHOT":
			"uavrtt1" setPiPEffect [7];

	private _actionTitle = format ["Select Zoom - %1",_x];
	_monitor addAction [
			private _Value = _this select 3 select 0;
			[_Value] call fnc_selectZoom;

	private _actionTitle = format ["Select Mode - %1",_x];
	_monitor addAction [
			private _Value = _this select 3 select 0;
			[_Value] call fnc_selectMode;
} forEach ["DTV", "NV", "WHOT", "BHOT"];

addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
    _dir = 
        (MQ_1 selectionPosition "laser_start") 
        (MQ_1 selectionPosition "laser_end");
    cam1 setVectorDirAndUp [
        _dir vectorCrossProduct [-(_dir select 1), _dir select 0, 0]


Its code

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Try turning on the PiP option in your video settings. Simple, but it caught me out once before when I'd forgotten that I had disabled it.

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I'm sorry I don't have enough explanation.

The PiP render image is displayed on the monitor object until I open the arsenal, but when I open the arsenal it turns black.

I'm trying to find a solution with a script.

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Probably no (easy) solution because you're in another display: RscDisplayArsenal.

If pip stays black after closing arsenal, you need to recreate the camera.

Something like:

[missionNamespace, "arsenalClosed", {
  [yourMonitor] execVM "scripts\liveFeedUAV1.sqf";
}] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;

Not tested.


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I ran it globally with init.sqf, but it had no effect.

I also tried the following syntax to regenerate cam1 but it didn't work.

//PIP arsenal proof
[missionNamespace, "arsenalClosed", {
	isNil {
		cam1 cameraEffect ["TERMINATE", "BACK"];
		camDestroy cam1;

		cam1 = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
		cam1 cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK", "uavrtt1"];
		cam1 attachTo [MQ_1, [0,0,0], "PiP0_pos"];
}] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;


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After the screen goes black, run the following code on the server to restore the monitor.

	isNil {
		cam1 cameraEffect ["TERMINATE", "BACK"];
		camDestroy cam1;

		cam1 = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
		cam1 cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK", "uavrtt1"];
		cam1 attachTo [MQ_1, [0,0,0], "PiP0_pos"];

Is it possible for the event handler to not recognize the variable name?

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I gave up on how to execute code inside an event handler.

Instead, I succeeded in calling liveFeedUAV1.sqf from init.sqf with pierremgi's code.

But another problem arose. I limited the code with exitWith to avoid multiple execution of all the code in liveFeedUAV1.sqf, but cameraEffect and camCreate are not working with the following syntax.

if (missionNamespace getVariable ["liveFeedUAV1done", false] isEqualTo true) exitWith {
	cam1 cameraEffect ["TERMINATE", "BACK"];
	camDestroy cam1;
	cam1 = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
	cam1 cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "uavrtt1"];
	cam1 camSetFov 0.46599999;
	"uavrtt1" setPiPEffect [0];
	cam1 attachTo [MQ_1, [0,0,0], "PiP0_pos"];

I think the if statement is correct as it works when I run hint in the syntax.
Maybe I overlook something?



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Well. I think it's a simple question of precedence (delay) for running script in good order.

I tested with a monitor (I named it monitor) and a drone (I named it MQ_1)

As I was on quick test in preview I replaced your sqf by:

liveFeedUAV1 = {
  if (!isServer) exitWith {};
  params ["_monitor"];
  if (isNull _monitor) exitWith {};
  _monitor setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(uavrtt1,1)"];
  cam1 = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
  cam1 cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "uavrtt1"];
  cam1 attachTo [MQ_1, [0,0,0], "PiP0_pos"];
fnc_selectZoom = {
  private _sZoom = _this select 0;
  switch (_sZoom) do {
    case "ULTRA WIDE": {cam1 camSetFov 0.46599999};
    case "WIDE": {cam1 camSetFov 0.2};
    case "MEDIUM": {cam1 camSetFov 0.1};
    case "NARROW": {cam1 camSetFov 0.02};
    case "NARROWER": {cam1 camSetFov 0.01};
fnc_selectMode = {
  private _sMode = _this select 0;
  switch (_sMode) do {
    case "DTV": {"uavrtt1" setPiPEffect [0]};
    case "NV": {"uavrtt1" setPiPEffect [1]};
    case "WHOT": {"uavrtt1" setPiPEffect [2]};
    case "BHOT": {"uavrtt1" setPiPEffect [7]};
  private _actionTitle = format ["Select Zoom - %1",_x];
  _monitor addAction [
      private _Value = _this select 3 select 0;
      [_Value] call fnc_selectZoom;
  private _actionTitle = format ["Select Mode - %1",_x];
  _monitor addAction [
      private _Value = _this select 3 select 0;
      [_Value] call fnc_selectMode;
} forEach ["DTV", "NV", "WHOT", "BHOT"];
addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
  _dir = (MQ_1 selectionPosition "laser_start") vectorFromTo (MQ_1 selectionPosition "laser_end");
  cam1 setVectorDirAndUp [_dir,_dir vectorCrossProduct [-(_dir select 1),_dir select 0, 0]];


in a trigger set to true (cond).


In init field of the monitor : this spawn { sleep 3; _this call liveFeedUAV1}

just to be sure the code liveFeedUAV1 exists before calling it.

I placed a hunter as virtual arsenal

In init field of the hunter (or everywhere else) :

[missionNamespace, "arsenalClosed", {
  MQ_1 spawn liveFeedUAV1;
}] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;


That works as is, but if you want to ensure the deal:

[missionNamespace, "arsenalClosed", {
  MQ_1 spawn {sleep 1; _this call liveFeedUAV1};
}] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;


  • Thanks 1

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Thank you for your reply.

Your code helped me understand the code delays in arma3.

I solve the problem by simply adding sleep 1 to my code.

thank you for your politeness.

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