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I'm currently attempting to make a trigger set units that are present in the trigger to be civilians, and when they are not in the trigger to set them to blufor as well as to be repeatable. This is what i currently have however it isn't working correctly and I know that I'm doing something easy that must be super simple to fix but I'm at a loss of what it may be.

ifPresent true 
    _newGroup = createGroup CIVILIAN;
    [player] joinSilent _newGroup;
    hint "You are a prisoner."
    _newGroup = createGroup blufor; 
    [player] joinSilent _newGroup; 
	hint "You are escaping."


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In this case, your trigger worth for its area only.

none none (no preset condition) non repeatable (doesn't need to be)

condition : true   (means : run it at start)
on activation:

thisTrigger spawn {
  params ["_trig"];
  while {true} do {
		_x setVariable ["captured",TRUE];
        [_trig,_x] spawn {
          params ["_trig","_unit"];
        _unit setCaptive TRUE;
           waitUntil {sleep 1; !(_unit inArea _trig)};
          _unit setCaptive FALSE;
		  _unit setVariable ["captured",nil];
       } forEach (units WEST select {_x inArea _trig && isNil {_x getVariable "captured"}});
	   sleep 1;

Captive makes unit civilian. No need to create group for that.

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