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Retexturing config

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Evening, I am having some trouble with config file. I am trying to retexture some default game uniforms and other gear (keep in mind I have no idea what I am doing) and I ran into few problems:
1. Both vests when I spawn them are default color tan variants and not retextured variants. (CSAT Harness)
2. I can see 3 versions of "Gorka (white)" in the arsenal. One just makes my character naked, and other 2 makes my character into folded piece of clothing (model when you drop clothing item).
Here is my config:
P.S. Helmet works perfectly fine


class cfgPatches
    class OdinUniformRetextures
        units[] = {};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 0.1;
        requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"};

//*****        Factions                  *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
class cfgFactionClasses 
    class Custom_Faction 
        displayName = "ODIN Demo"; 
        priority = 3; // Position in list. 
        side = 1; // Opfor = 0, Blufor = 1, Indep = 2. 
        icon = ""; //Custom Icon 

class UniformSlotInfo 
    slotType = 0; 
    linkProxy = "-"; 

class cfgWeapons 
    //*****            Uniforms              *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
    class ItemCore; 
    class UniformItem; 
    class Uniform_Base: ItemCore 
        class ItemInfo; 

    class Gorka_White: Uniform_Base 
        scope = 2; 
        displayName = "Gorka (White)"; 
        picture = "-"; 
        model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_civilian_F.p3d"; 
        class ItemInfo : UniformItem { 
            uniformClass = "Gorka_White_1"; 
            containerClass = "Supply50"; 
            mass = 30; 

    class Gorka_CSAT_White: Uniform_Base 
        scope = 2; 
        displayName = "Gorka (White)"; 
        picture = "-"; 
        model = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\o_soldier_01.p3d.p3d"; 
        class ItemInfo : UniformItem { 
            uniformClass = "Gorka_White_1"; 
            containerClass = "Supply50"; 
            mass = 30; 

    //*****             Vests                *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
    class VestItem; 
    class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore 
        class ItemInfo; 
    class Odin_Harness_White_1: Vest_Camo_Base 
        scope = 2; 
        displayName = "Light Harness (White)"; 
        picture = "-"; 
        model = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\equip_o_vest01.p3d"; 
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; 
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ODIN_Uniforms\Data\Uniform_Vest_Rus_White.paa"}; 
        class ItemInfo: VestItem 
            uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\equip_o_vest01.p3d"; 
            containerClass = "Supply120"; 
            mass = 80; 
            armor = "5"; 
            passThrough = 0.3; 
            hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ODIN_Uniforms\Data\Uniform_Vest_Rus_White.paa"}; 

    class Odin_Harness_White_2: Vest_Camo_Base 
        scope = 2; 
        displayName = "GL Harness (White)"; 
        picture = "-"; 
        model = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\equip_o_vest_gl.p3d"; 
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; 
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ODIN_Uniforms\Data\HarnessLight_White.paa"}; 
        class ItemInfo: VestItem 
            uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\equip_o_vest_gl.p3d"; 
            containerClass = "Supply120"; 
            mass = 80; 
            armor = "5"; 
            passThrough = 0.3; 
            hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ODIN_Uniforms\Data\HarnessLight_White.paa"};  

    //*****            Headgear              *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
    class H_HelmetB: ItemCore 
        class ItemInfo; 
    class Odin_Avenger_White_1: H_HelmetB
        displayName = "Avenger Helmet";
        picture = "";
        model = "\A3\Characters_F_Enoch\Headgear\H_HelmetAggressor_01_cover_F.p3d";
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ODIN_Uniforms\Data\Helmet_Avenger_White.paa"};
        class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
            mass = 20;
            allowedSlots[] = {901,605};
            uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F_Enoch\Headgear\H_HelmetAggressor_01_cover_F.p3d";
            modelSides[] = {3,1};
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
            armor = "3*0.4";
            passThrough = 0.65;

class CfgVehicles 
    //*****             Units                *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
    class B_Soldier_F; 
    class Gorka_White_1: B_soldier_F {
        author = "Marki"; 
        _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; 
        scope = 1; 
        displayName = "White Gorka Soldier"; 
        identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; 
        genericNames = "NATOMen"; 
        faction = "ODIN_Demo";
        model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_civilian_F.p3d"; //Default NATO 
        uniformClass = "Gorka_White"; 
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"}; 
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ODIN_Uniforms\Data\Uniform_Gorka_White.paa"};  
         weapons[] = {"arifle_TRG20_ACO_Flash_F","Throw","Put"}; 
        respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_TRG20_ACO_Flash_F","Throw","Put"}; 
        magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; 
        respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"};
        linkedItems[] = {"CUstom_Helmet1","Custom_Vest1","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 
        respawnLinkedItems[] = {"CUstom_Helmet1","Custom_Vest1","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 

    class Gorka_CSAT_White_1: B_soldier_F {
        author = "Marki"; 
        _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; 
        scope = 1; 
        displayName = "White Gorka Soldier"; 
        identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; 
        genericNames = "NATOMen"; 
        faction = "ODIN_Demo";
        model = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\o_soldier_01.p3d"; //Default NATO 
        uniformClass = "Gorka_CSAT_White"; 
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"}; 
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ODIN_Uniforms\Data\Uniform_Vest_Rus_White.paa"};  
         weapons[] = {"arifle_TRG20_ACO_Flash_F","Throw","Put"}; 
        respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_TRG20_ACO_Flash_F","Throw","Put"}; 
        magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; 
        respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"};
        linkedItems[] = {"CUstom_Helmet1","Custom_Vest1","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 
        respawnLinkedItems[] = {"CUstom_Helmet1","Custom_Vest1","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 



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1. The "camo" selection doesn't exist for those models. Your vests are missing two selection definitions hence why it defaults to the coyote brown colour scheme. The LBV Harness/LBV Grenadier Harness models (equip_o_vest_gl.p3d and equip_o_vest01.p3d) utilise camo1 and camo2 for selections; camo1's texture is based on clothing_co.paa while camo2 is based on tech_co.paa.


2. You see identical versions of the same uniform because you're using the same displayName for both of them. Also, you are using the wrong model for the CfgWeapons uniform class; that should only be a suitpack model and not the actual uniform model (that should only be used for the CfgVehicles entry). Additionally, it has a second .p3d suffixed after it which is not necessary and will most likely give you an error since no model for "o_soldier_01.p3d.p3d" exists.


I also noticed that you have both uniforms based on the same uniformClass (Gorka_White_1) while Gorka_CSAT_White_1 goes completely unused.

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3 hours ago, drebin052 said:

1. The "camo" selection doesn't exist for those models. Your vests are missing two selection definitions hence why it defaults to the coyote brown colour scheme. The LBV Harness/LBV Grenadier Harness models (equip_o_vest_gl.p3d and equip_o_vest01.p3d) utilise camo1 and camo2 for selections; camo1's texture is based on clothing_co.paa while camo2 is based on tech_co.paa.


2. You see identical versions of the same uniform because you're using the same displayName for both of them. Also, you are using the wrong model for the CfgWeapons uniform class; that should only be a suitpack model and not the actual uniform model (that should only be used for the CfgVehicles entry). Additionally, it has a second .p3d suffixed after it which is not necessary and will most likely give you an error since no model for "o_soldier_01.p3d.p3d" exists.


I also noticed that you have both uniforms based on the same uniformClass (Gorka_White_1) while Gorka_CSAT_White_1 goes completely unused.

Thanks, I managed to get the vest to show up, with correct texture, however pouches are not there.
In regards of Gorka, I am pretty sure I have the wrong p3d for contact one atleast. In regards of CSAT uniform, it is there and visible, just has default camo, I assume it probably goes by camo1 and camo2

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Nope. gorka_01_F.p3d only uses one selection (camo_1) but it's named differently from most other models so it's easy to get it mixed up.


As for the missing missing pouches on the LBV, you need to have a second texture based on tech_co.paa defined in the hiddenSelectionsTextures[] array. This also applies to any uniforms based on the CSAT Fatigues since it also uses camo1 and camo2:


In CfgWeapons (for the vest classes):

class CfgWeapons
  // ...
  // ...
	class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
      // ...
      // ...
  // ...

In CfgVehicles (for the uniform class):

class CfgVehicles
  // ...
  // ...


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10 hours ago, drebin052 said:

Nope. gorka_01_F.p3d only uses one selection (camo_1) but it's named differently from most other models so it's easy to get it mixed up.


As for the missing missing pouches on the LBV, you need to have a second texture based on tech_co.paa defined in the hiddenSelectionsTextures[] array. This also applies to any uniforms based on the CSAT Fatigues since it also uses camo1 and camo2:


In CfgWeapons (for the vest classes):

class CfgWeapons
  // ...
  // ...
	class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
      // ...
      // ...
  // ...

In CfgVehicles (for the uniform class):

class CfgVehicles
  // ...
  // ...


Thanks A LOT. It works now. More or less atleast.
In regards of what I said about Gorka, I mean that I have no idea the p3d destination for Contact DLC Gorka. So that is the problem is regards of retexturing that one.
Also, one more issue. I cant find where in my code I done this:



Bodysuit is CSAT Uniform retextured to be Snow White, Gorka (White) is suppose to be Contact DLC gorka, but I realised my p3d destination is wrong. However "Blank" Gorka (White), no idea where that came from.

Here is a copy of config again:



class cfgPatches
    class OdinUniformRetextures
        units[] = {};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 0.1;
        requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"};

//*****        Factions                  *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
class cfgFactionClasses 
    class Custom_Faction 
        displayName = "ODIN Demo"; 
        priority = 3; // Position in list. 
        side = 1; // Opfor = 0, Blufor = 1, Indep = 2. 
        icon = ""; //Custom Icon 

class UniformSlotInfo 
    slotType = 0; 
    linkProxy = "-"; 

class cfgWeapons 
    //*****            Uniforms              *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
    class ItemCore; 
    class UniformItem; 
    class Uniform_Base: ItemCore 
        class ItemInfo; 

    class Gorka_White: Uniform_Base  //match with vehicle soldier
        scope = 2; 
        displayName = "Gorka (White)"; 
        picture = "-"; 
        model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; 
        class ItemInfo : UniformItem { 
            uniformClass = "Gorka_White_1";  //match with vehicle soldier
            containerClass = "Supply50"; 
            mass = 30; 

    class Gorka_CSAT_White: Uniform_Base //match with vehicle soldier
        scope = 2; 
        displayName = "Bodysuit (White)"; 
        picture = "-"; 
        model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; 
        class ItemInfo : UniformItem { 
            uniformClass = "Gorka_White_2"; //match with vehicle soldier
            containerClass = "Supply50"; 
            mass = 30; 

    //*****             Vests                *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
    class VestItem; 
    class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore 
        class ItemInfo; 
    class Odin_Harness_White_1: Vest_Camo_Base 
        scope = 2; 
        displayName = "Light Harness (White)"; 
        picture = "-"; 
        model = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\equip_o_vest01.p3d"; 
        hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"}; 
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ODIN_Uniforms\Data\Uniform_Vest_Rus_White.paa","ODIN_Uniforms\Data\HarnessLight_White.paa"}; 
        class ItemInfo: VestItem 
            uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\equip_o_vest01.p3d"; 
            containerClass = "Supply120"; 
            mass = 80; 
            armor = "5"; 
            passThrough = 0.3; 
            hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ODIN_Uniforms\Data\Uniform_Vest_Rus_White.paa","ODIN_Uniforms\Data\HarnessLight_White.paa"};

    class Odin_Harness_White_2: Vest_Camo_Base 
        scope = 2; 
        displayName = "GL Harness (White)"; 
        picture = "-"; 
        model = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\equip_o_vest_gl.p3d"; 
        hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"}; 
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ODIN_Uniforms\Data\Uniform_Vest_Rus_White.paa","ODIN_Uniforms\Data\HarnessLight_White.paa"}; 
        class ItemInfo: VestItem 
            uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\equip_o_vest_gl.p3d"; 
            containerClass = "Supply120"; 
            mass = 80; 
            armor = "5"; 
            passThrough = 0.3; 
            hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ODIN_Uniforms\Data\Uniform_Vest_Rus_White.paa","ODIN_Uniforms\Data\HarnessLight_White.paa"};

    //*****            Headgear              *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
    class H_HelmetB: ItemCore 
        class ItemInfo; 
    class Odin_Avenger_White_1: H_HelmetB
        displayName = "Avenger Helmet";
        picture = "";
        model = "\A3\Characters_F_Enoch\Headgear\H_HelmetAggressor_01_cover_F.p3d";
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ODIN_Uniforms\Data\Helmet_Avenger_White.paa"};
        class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
            mass = 20;
            allowedSlots[] = {901,605};
            uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F_Enoch\Headgear\H_HelmetAggressor_01_cover_F.p3d";
            modelSides[] = {3,1};
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
            armor = "3*0.4";
            passThrough = 0.65;

class CfgVehicles 
    //*****             Units                *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
    class B_Soldier_F; 
    class Gorka_White_1: B_soldier_F  //Match with Uniform
        author = "Marki"; 
        _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; 
        scope = 1; 
        displayName = "Odin Soldier"; 
        identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; 
        genericNames = "NATOMen"; 
        faction = "ODIN_Demo";
        model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_civilian_F.p3d"; //Actual uniform location 
        uniformClass = "Gorka_White";              //Match with the Uniform
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"};      //if Textures dont show, edit
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ODIN_Uniforms\Data\Uniform_Gorka_White.paa"};     //Actual Texture 
         weapons[] = {"arifle_TRG20_ACO_Flash_F","Throw","Put"}; 
        respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_TRG20_ACO_Flash_F","Throw","Put"}; 
        magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; 
        respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"};
        linkedItems[] = {"CUstom_Helmet1","Custom_Vest1","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 
        respawnLinkedItems[] = {"CUstom_Helmet1","Custom_Vest1","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 

    class Gorka_White_2: B_soldier_F  //Match with Uniform
        author = "Marki"; 
        _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; 
        scope = 1; 
        displayName = "Odin Soldier"; 
        identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; 
        genericNames = "NATOMen"; 
        faction = "ODIN_Demo";
        model = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\o_soldier_01.p3d"; //Actual uniform location
        uniformClass = "Gorka_CSAT_White";             //Match with the Uniform
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Insignia"};     //if Textures dont show, edit
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ODIN_Uniforms\Data\Uniform_Vest_Rus_White.paa"};   //Actual Texture 
         weapons[] = {"arifle_TRG20_ACO_Flash_F","Throw","Put"}; 
        respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_TRG20_ACO_Flash_F","Throw","Put"}; 
        magazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"}; 
        respawnMagazines[] = {"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_green"};
        linkedItems[] = {"CUstom_Helmet1","Custom_Vest1","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 
        respawnLinkedItems[] = {"CUstom_Helmet1","Custom_Vest1","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 



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The filepath for the Tracksuit/Granit's model is \a3\characters_f_enoch\uniforms\gorka_01_f.p3d


With regards to the duplicate uniform...not sure. The config you've provided has no classname listed for "Odin_Gorka_White_1" so I suspect you may have another config packed elsewhere in your addon. Double check to see if you can find that classname in any of your other configs.


By the way, I would recommend that you change your CfgPatches loadorder to the following setup:


class CfgPatches
	class OdinUniformRetextures

A3_Data_F_AoW_Loadorder should be the value for requiredAddons[] as the Art of War DLC is the latest loadorder in Arma 3's hierarchy and ensures that everything in vanilla gets loaded first before your addon does (A3_Characters_F is for stuff from the Alpha).

weapons[] array needs to be populated with the classnames of your custom uniforms, vests and helmets to prevent potential issues with the Virtual Arsenal and Zeus.

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23 hours ago, drebin052 said:

The filepath for the Tracksuit/Granit's model is \a3\characters_f_enoch\uniforms\gorka_01_f.p3d


With regards to the duplicate uniform...not sure. The config you've provided has no classname listed for "Odin_Gorka_White_1" so I suspect you may have another config packed elsewhere in your addon. Double check to see if you can find that classname in any of your other configs.


By the way, I would recommend that you change your CfgPatches loadorder to the following setup:


class CfgPatches
	class OdinUniformRetextures

A3_Data_F_AoW_Loadorder should be the value for requiredAddons[] as the Art of War DLC is the latest loadorder in Arma 3's hierarchy and ensures that everything in vanilla gets loaded first before your addon does (A3_Characters_F is for stuff from the Alpha).

weapons[] array needs to be populated with the classnames of your custom uniforms, vests and helmets to prevent potential issues with the Virtual Arsenal and Zeus.

Thanks A LOT again. One last question, how do you know the filepatch for Gorka, arent files encrypted still?

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You can use the Editor's Config Browser to take a look at classes. There's also a bunch of other (addon based) config browsers on the Workshop that you can download to make viewing things a bit easier since the vanilla Config Browser is a bit clunky to use.

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19 hours ago, drebin052 said:

You can use the Editor's Config Browser to take a look at classes. There's also a bunch of other (addon based) config browsers on the Workshop that you can download to make viewing things a bit easier since the vanilla Config Browser is a bit clunky to use.

I am not really sure how to do it, I used config viewer, to look where texture and p3d of contact specnaz vest is, but all it has in "model" is dummyvest.p3d in weapons_f, which is obviously incorrect

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You need to look for the CfgVehicles classname that's tied to the uniform in CfgWeapons. Using the Tracksuit/Granit as an example...


U_O_R_Gorka_01_camo_F is the classname of the uniform in CfgWeapons. By taking a peek into ItemInfo's properties, O_R_Gorka_camo_F is revealed to be the name of the uniform's class in CfgVehicles.




Now in CfgVehicles, scroll all the way down the list until you find O_R_Gorka_camo_F. Click on its classname and look for the "model" token. You should see the filepath of the actual uniform model used for the Tracksuit/Granit.




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6 minutes ago, drebin052 said:

You need to look for the CfgVehicles classname that's tied to the uniform in CfgWeapons. Using the Tracksuit/Granit as an example...


U_O_R_Gorka_01_camo_F is the classname of the uniform in CfgWeapons. By taking a peek into ItemInfo's properties, O_R_Gorka_camo_F is revealed to be the name of the uniform's class in CfgVehicles.




Now in CfgVehicles, scroll all the way down the list until you find O_R_Gorka_camo_F. Click on its classname and look for the "model" token. You should see the filepath of the actual uniform model used for the Tracksuit/Granit.





I am pretty sure this is wrong

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You are looking at the wrong item. That is a CfgVehicles classname for the placeable version of the Kipchak vest (used for Zeus/Eden editor).


Take a look in CfgWeapons for V_SmershVest_01_F. Note how the actual vest doesn't have a "Vest_" prefix assigned.

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13 minutes ago, drebin052 said:

You are looking at the wrong item. That is a CfgVehicles classname for the placeable version of the Kipchak vest (used for Zeus/Eden editor).


Take a look in CfgWeapons for V_SmershVest_01_F. Note how the actual vest doesn't have a "Vest_" prefix assigned.

Thanks I see it now. Any idea how I could extract the texture to use as template?
Also, I noticed my vests currently have no armor protection, I looked up and I need to put HitPoint classes in cfgvehicles. Do I do that under every single vest?

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55 minutes ago, marki980908 said:

Also, I noticed my vests currently have no armor protection, I looked up and I need to put HitPoint classes in cfgvehicles. Do I do that under every single vest?

You can do it for every single vest, but if they're all the same type of vest just with different textures you can do it for the first and then have the rest inherit from it.


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^ as Jackal said. But if you intend on giving your vest different levels of protection from vanilla, then you need to add a HitPointsProtectionInfo property to your custom vest's ItemInfo class. I would strongly suggest reading up on how to do this on the BIKI:




Getting the texture from Contact's EBOs requires the filepath of the model's texture (through the Config Browser) and using the in-game GUI Editor. It's a little convoluted so I would suggest not attempting it until you know the basics of how to customise your vest first.

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15 minutes ago, Jackal326 said:

You can do it for every single vest, but if they're all the same type of vest just with different textures you can do it for the first and then have the rest inherit from it.


Some vests are different but I dont mind them sharing the same armor protection for now atleast.
Not really sure how to make it inheritable

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14 minutes ago, drebin052 said:

^ as Jackal said. But if you intend on giving your vest different levels of protection from vanilla, then you need to add a HitPointsProtectionInfo property to your custom vest's ItemInfo class. I would strongly suggest reading up on how to do this on the BIKI:




Getting the texture from Contact's EBOs requires the filepath of the model's texture (through the Config Browser) and using the in-game GUI Editor. It's a little convoluted so I would suggest not attempting it until you know the basics of how to customise your vest first.


// Carrier Special Rig (Green)
class V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr: Vest_NoCamo_Base
	/* other properties */
	class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
		/* other properties */
		class HitpointsProtectionInfo
			class Neck
				hitpointName	= "HitNeck";	// reference to the hit point class defined in the man base class
				armor			= 8;			// addition to armor of referenced hitpoint
				passThrough		= 0.5;			// multiplier of base passThrough defined in referenced hitpoint
			class Arms
				hitpointName	= "HitArms";
				armor			= 8;
				passThrough		= 0.5;
			class Chest
				hitpointName	= "HitChest";
				armor			= 24;
				passThrough		= 0.1;
			class Diaphragm
				hitpointName	= "HitDiaphragm";
				armor			= 24;
				passThrough		= 0.1;
			class Abdomen
				hitpointName	= "HitAbdomen";
				armor			= 24;
				passThrough		= 0.1;
			class Body
				hitpointName	= "HitBody";
				passThrough		= 0.1;


I assume I replace the first part with the class of one of my vests, what if I want all my vests to have the same protection, do I just put all classes in at once?

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18 minutes ago, marki980908 said:
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I assume I replace the first part with the class of one of my vests, what if I want all my vests to have the same protection, do I just put all classes in at once?

Basically you inherit from your new class (the one where you define the protection values), and so long as you also inherit ItemInfo (e.g. class ItemInfo: ItemInfo) as well, you can changes the mass value etc but still retain the protection info.

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48 minutes ago, Jackal326 said:

Basically you inherit from your new class (the one where you define the protection values), and so long as you also inherit ItemInfo (e.g. class ItemInfo: ItemInfo) as well, you can changes the mass value etc but still retain the protection info.

I will try to figure out how to do that (keep in mind I am super new to this)

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1 hour ago, marki980908 said:

I will try to figure out how to do that (keep in mind I am super new to this)

Here is a rough guide:

	class SSQN_VestTest_01: Vest_Camo_Base
		author = "S Squadron";
		scope = 0;
		scopeArsenal = 0;
		displayName = "BASE VEST 01";
		descriptionShort = "Armor Level III";
		picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_CA.paa";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02";
		DLC = "SSQN";
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests_mx1_co.paa"};
		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests.rvmat"};
		class ItemInfo: VestItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02";
			containerClass = "Supply140";
			mass = 80;
			class HitpointsProtectionInfo 
                		class Chest 
                   			HitpointName = "HitChest";
                    			armor = 16;
                    			PassThrough = 0.2;

                		class Diaphragm 
                    			HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm";
                    			armor = 16;
                    			PassThrough = 0.2;

                		class Abdomen 
                    			HitpointName = "HitAbdomen";
                    			armor = 16;
                    			passThrough = 0.2;

                		class Body 
                   			HitpointName = "HitBody";
                    			passThrough = 0.2;

	class SSQN_VestTest_02: SSQN_VestTest_01
		author = "S Squadron";
		scope = 0;
		scopeArsenal = 0;
		displayName = "BASE VEST 02";
		descriptionShort = "Armor Level IV";
		picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_2_CA.paa";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01.p3d";
		DLC = "SSQN";
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests_mx1_co.paa"};
		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests.rvmat"};
		class ItemInfo: VestItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01";
			containerClass = "Supply140";
			mass = 100;
			class HitpointsProtectionInfo 
                		class Chest 
                   			HitpointName = "HitChest";
                    			armor = 20;
                    			PassThrough = 0.2;

                		class Diaphragm 
                    			HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm";
                    			armor = 20;
                    			PassThrough = 0.2;

                		class Abdomen 
                    			HitpointName = "HitAbdomen";
                    			armor = 20;
                    			passThrough = 0.2;

                		class Body 
                   			HitpointName = "HitBody";
                    			passThrough = 0.2;

	class SSQN_VestTest_03: SSQN_VestTest_01
		author = "S Squadron";
		scope = 0;
		scopeArsenal = 0;
		picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_CA.paa";
		displayName = "BASE VEST 03";
		descriptionShort = "Armor Level III";
		DLC = "SSQN";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry.p3d";
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests_mx1_co.paa"};
		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests.rvmat"};
		class ItemInfo: VestItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry.p3d";
			containerClass = "Supply140";
			mass = 80;
			class HitpointsProtectionInfo 
                		class Chest 
                   			HitpointName = "HitChest";
                    			armor = 16;
                    			PassThrough = 0.2;

                		class Diaphragm 
                    			HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm";
                    			armor = 16;
                    			PassThrough = 0.2;

                		class Abdomen 
                    			HitpointName = "HitAbdomen";
                    			armor = 16;
                    			passThrough = 0.2;

                		class Body 
                   			HitpointName = "HitBody";
                    			passThrough = 0.2;

	class SSQN_CryeCPC_01MCM: SSQN_VestTest_01
		author = "S Squadron";
		scope = 2;
		scopeArsenal = 2;
		picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_CA.paa";
		displayName = "Crye CPC 1 (Multicam 1)";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02";
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests_mcm_co.paa"};
		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests.rvmat"};
		class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d";

In the example above there are three vest defines #(technically there are four, but there are three BASE vest defines: SSQN_VestTest_01, SSQN_VestTest_02 & SSQN_VestTest_03

Each one has a different model, but more importantly for this thread, each one has different protection values. The three base vest defines are all hidden in the Arsenal (scope=0;) i.e. a locked class as they're only bases I used to inherit from.

The fourth vest (SSQN_CryeCPC_01MCM) inherits from the first base vest (SSQN_VestTest_01) and inherits everything about that vest apart from what you overwrite within the new class itself (scope value, display name etc).

It also inherits all of the ItemInfo parameters due to


class ItemInfo: ItemInfo

That line basically says, "I'm defining new ItemInfo stuff, but what I don't define here, inherit from the main class above i.e. SSQN_VestTest_01.

So here, you can define different weight (mass) values, hidden selections etc but still maintain the inherited protection values from the base class unless of course you define new ones...

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1 hour ago, Jackal326 said:

Here is a rough guide:

	class SSQN_VestTest_01: Vest_Camo_Base
		author = "S Squadron";
		scope = 0;
		scopeArsenal = 0;
		displayName = "BASE VEST 01";
		descriptionShort = "Armor Level III";
		picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_CA.paa";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02";
		DLC = "SSQN";
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests_mx1_co.paa"};
		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests.rvmat"};
		class ItemInfo: VestItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02";
			containerClass = "Supply140";
			mass = 80;
			class HitpointsProtectionInfo 
                		class Chest 
                   			HitpointName = "HitChest";
                    			armor = 16;
                    			PassThrough = 0.2;

                		class Diaphragm 
                    			HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm";
                    			armor = 16;
                    			PassThrough = 0.2;

                		class Abdomen 
                    			HitpointName = "HitAbdomen";
                    			armor = 16;
                    			passThrough = 0.2;

                		class Body 
                   			HitpointName = "HitBody";
                    			passThrough = 0.2;

	class SSQN_VestTest_02: SSQN_VestTest_01
		author = "S Squadron";
		scope = 0;
		scopeArsenal = 0;
		displayName = "BASE VEST 02";
		descriptionShort = "Armor Level IV";
		picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_2_CA.paa";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01.p3d";
		DLC = "SSQN";
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests_mx1_co.paa"};
		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests.rvmat"};
		class ItemInfo: VestItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01";
			containerClass = "Supply140";
			mass = 100;
			class HitpointsProtectionInfo 
                		class Chest 
                   			HitpointName = "HitChest";
                    			armor = 20;
                    			PassThrough = 0.2;

                		class Diaphragm 
                    			HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm";
                    			armor = 20;
                    			PassThrough = 0.2;

                		class Abdomen 
                    			HitpointName = "HitAbdomen";
                    			armor = 20;
                    			passThrough = 0.2;

                		class Body 
                   			HitpointName = "HitBody";
                    			passThrough = 0.2;

	class SSQN_VestTest_03: SSQN_VestTest_01
		author = "S Squadron";
		scope = 0;
		scopeArsenal = 0;
		picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_CA.paa";
		displayName = "BASE VEST 03";
		descriptionShort = "Armor Level III";
		DLC = "SSQN";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry.p3d";
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests_mx1_co.paa"};
		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests.rvmat"};
		class ItemInfo: VestItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry.p3d";
			containerClass = "Supply140";
			mass = 80;
			class HitpointsProtectionInfo 
                		class Chest 
                   			HitpointName = "HitChest";
                    			armor = 16;
                    			PassThrough = 0.2;

                		class Diaphragm 
                    			HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm";
                    			armor = 16;
                    			PassThrough = 0.2;

                		class Abdomen 
                    			HitpointName = "HitAbdomen";
                    			armor = 16;
                    			passThrough = 0.2;

                		class Body 
                   			HitpointName = "HitBody";
                    			passThrough = 0.2;

	class SSQN_CryeCPC_01MCM: SSQN_VestTest_01
		author = "S Squadron";
		scope = 2;
		scopeArsenal = 2;
		picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_CA.paa";
		displayName = "Crye CPC 1 (Multicam 1)";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02";
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests_mcm_co.paa"};
		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_vests.rvmat"};
		class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d";

In the example above there are three vest defines #(technically there are four, but there are three BASE vest defines: SSQN_VestTest_01, SSQN_VestTest_02 & SSQN_VestTest_03

Each one has a different model, but more importantly for this thread, each one has different protection values. The three base vest defines are all hidden in the Arsenal (scope=1;).

The fourth vest (SSQN_CryeCPC_01MCM) inherits from the first base vest (SSQN_VestTest_01) and inherits everything about that vest apart from what you overwrite within the new class itself (scope value, display name etc).

It also inherits all of the ItemInfo parameters due to

That line basically says, "I'm defining new ItemInfo stuff, but what I don't define here, inherit from the main class above i.e. SSQN_VestTest_01.

So here, you can define different weight (mass) values, hidden selections etc but still maintain the inherited protection values from the base class.

It works perfectly, thank you

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3 hours ago, drebin052 said:

^ as Jackal said. But if you intend on giving your vest different levels of protection from vanilla, then you need to add a HitPointsProtectionInfo property to your custom vest's ItemInfo class. I would strongly suggest reading up on how to do this on the BIKI:




Getting the texture from Contact's EBOs requires the filepath of the model's texture (through the Config Browser) and using the in-game GUI Editor. It's a little convoluted so I would suggest not attempting it until you know the basics of how to customise your vest first.

I managed to find a script used for "briefings" and made a game display the texture on my screen when I took a screenshot. Thank you, everything works

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2 minutes ago, marki980908 said:

It works perfectly, thank you

Glad to help 🙂

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