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Ambient Sounds Script

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I got a script that creates ambient battle noises around the player.

I got this script from DayZ Medic from YouTube but just edited to suit my needs.

And when I execute it I randomly get unknown expression variables for variable "_cpbSound"

Any ideas why this is occuring?



private _cpbSoundList = 













private _cpbTarget = player; 

private _cpbSoundObject = player;


private _cpbMinDistance = 100;

private _cpbMaxDistance = 800;

private _cpbMedDistance = 400;


while {true} do 


    _dir = round random 360; 

    _dis = round random [_cpbMinDistance,_cpbMedDistance,_cpbMaxDistance];


    private _cpbSoundPosition = _cpbTarget getRelPos [_dis, _dir];

    private _cpbSoundNumber = random count _cpbSoundList;

    private _cpbSound = _cpbSoundList select _cpbSoundNumber;


    playSound3D [_cpbSound, _cpbSoundObject, false, _cpbSoundPosition, 5, 1, 0];


    private _sleepRandom = random 12;

    sleep _sleepRandom;



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_cpbSoundNumber = random count _cpbSoundList;


This is getting a random number that is almost always going to have a decimal, and I don't know how well select goes with that. But also, it looks like there's 9 sounds there (sorry, I'm on my phone) and so running random on 9 could result in a number greater than 8, which is a problem because arrays are counted from a 0 index. So if soundNumber were to be 9 (again, decimals and select, never done it) then select will try and select a non-existing array index. 


Easy solution, use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/selectRandom to pick the sound file instead of counting and randomising etc.

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8 hours ago, beno_83au said:

_cpbSoundNumber = random count _cpbSoundList;


This is getting a random number that is almost always going to have a decimal, and I don't know how well select goes with that. But also, it looks like there's 9 sounds there (sorry, I'm on my phone) and so running random on 9 could result in a number greater than 8, which is a problem because arrays are counted from a 0 index. So if soundNumber were to be 9 (again, decimals and select, never done it) then select will try and select a non-existing array index. 


Easy solution, use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/selectRandom to pick the sound file instead of counting and randomising etc.

Works! Thanks for the help.

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3 hours ago, sizraide said:

Works! Thanks for the help.

For anyone who wants to use it.

Here it is:



Extra sounds you can add in _gSoundList:










private _gSoundList = 













private _gTarget = player; // Sound source (sound position).

private _gSoundObject = player; // Object - the object emitting the sound. If sound position is specified this param is ignored.

private _gVolume = 3; // Volume of sound.

private _gSoundPitch = 1; // Sound Pitch (Number) - 1: Normal, 0.5: Darth Vader, 2: Chipmunks, etc. Default: 1.

private _gSoundDistance = 0; // Sound distance from object, default = 0.

private _maxCountSleep = 15; // How much maximum time between sounds played.


private _gMinDistance = 200; // Minimum distance from sound.

private _gMaxDistance = 700; // Maximum distance from sound.

private _gMedDistance = 400; // Average or medium random distance (Number) you wish the sound to eminate from.


while {true} do 


    _dir = round random 360; 

    _dis = round random [_gMinDistance,_gMedDistance,_gMaxDistance];


    private _gSoundPosition = _gTarget getRelPos [_dis, _dir];

    private _gSound = selectRandom _gSoundList;


    playSound3D [_gSound, _gSoundObject, false, _gSoundPosition, _gVolume, _gSoundPitch, _gSoundDistance];


    private _sleepRandom = round random _maxCountSleep;

    sleep _sleepRandom;



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This is a better version, it seems to work very well.


private _cpbSoundList = 


private _cpbTarget = player;
private _cpbSoundObject = player;
private _cpbMinDistance = 400;
private _cpbMaxDistance = 900;
private _cpbMedDistance = 600;

while {true} do
    _dir = round random 360;
    _dis = round random [_cpbMinDistance,_cpbMedDistance,_cpbMaxDistance];
    private _cpbSoundPosition = _cpbTarget getRelPos [_dis, _dir];

    playSound3D [_cpbSoundList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom, _cpbSoundObject, false, _cpbSoundPosition, 5, 1, 0];

    sleep (random [30, 40, 60]);


Edited by jakeplissken
Fixed code.
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