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Trouble opening doors on pickup

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I am using the " c_offroad_01_F " pickup, where an AI unit enters the vehicle by waypoint & drives away. 

I tried animating the door with " _unit animateDoor ['door_R', 1]; " in a trigger with the AI unit present.  The unit just enters the vehicle thru the door without it opening & drives away.


It seems I am not using the command correctly.  Are the doors on the pickup capable of opening/closing??  If so, what would be the correct command/procedure?? 


Any assistance is greatly appreciated..........


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ingame you can get all animations of an object you are pointing at with:

copyToClipboard str (animationNames cursorObject);

in case of your offroad you ll get this:


there is no animation for opening/closing doors in it (at least I see none which could fit).

But you could hide the doors...

when pointing the offraod ingame then this hides the drivers door:

cursorObject animate ["hidedoor1", 1];


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I thank you for taking the time to explain this.  It is not exactly what I was looking for. 


But I will add this to my notes for possible future use.....

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1 minute ago, olegreyghost said:

It is not exactly what I was looking for. 

You simply can't play an animation which is not ingame.

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Sorry.  That is not what I meant.  I realized from your explanation that the animation was not available.  What I meant was It just seemed removing the door was worse than entering thru the door. 

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You also have the choice to teleport the AI with moveInDriver command instead of let it glitch through door.

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Arma vanilla's dark side. As some other features.... in jungle of inheritances, you can open doors of :
- all Ifrits
- Hunter unarmed (not GMG or HMG)
- Zamac (all sides)

- Vans
and that's all (neither Tempest nor Strider, Prowler, other civilian cars)



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Thanks for the additional info Saro, but it wouldn't fit with the storyline.


@pierremgi,  thanks for the reply.  I'll check out the vans listed & add the rest to my notes.  


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I checked the vans " C_Van_02_vehicle_F "  and found it does reference a door.  Considering I prefer a pickup & I am using Leights Opfor mod, I also found an offroad vehicle " C_Offroad_01_covered_F " with the same door parameter.

I obtained the info with CfgVehicles in the Eden editor.  This is the parameter listed on the main page:  driverDoor = "";   Under  Animation Sources  - Doors - animPeriod = 0.001 - initPhase = 0 - source = "user"..

I tried to keep it simple & just use the animateDoor command in a trigger"  Offroad animateDoor ['door_L, 1];  with the vehicle named Offroad.  Nothing happens.

I also tried door_1 & door_LF in the array as alternatives listed on the command page.  No animation.  I then tried using driverDoor in the array.  I even tried the preferred 2nd example  Offroad animateDoor ['driverDoor_source, 1];  Nothing worked.  Tried it with the vans also. 

Putting the command in the vehicle init didn't work either.   What am I missing ???



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What you can do, is previewing a short edition with a player and a van. You target the van, so in debug console (watch lines):

cursorObject returns: "C_Van_02_vehicle_F"

and animationNames cursorObject returns:



You can find that also in cfgVehicles


So, of course, you need to seek for door and possibly sources not hiding them.

Then test:

{cursorObject animateDoor [_x,1,false]} count ["door_1_source","door_2_source","door_3_source","door_3b_source","door_4_source","door_4a_source","door_5_source","door_5a_source"]

from execute of debug console.

Replace cursorObject by the van (this in init field of the van or in a script referring to this van).


For the offroad   "C_Offroad_01_covered_F", it's a little bit shorter. Same method leads to:

{cursorObject animateDoor [_x,1,false]} count ["opendoor3","opendoor3_tailgate"]




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I was able to get the info I needed.  The van worked like a charm, but sadly it is too big & seems out of place in the storyline.  

As far as pickups go, they do not work. FYI. The offroad covered vehicle animations are not correct.  door3 animation opens the tailgate & the tailgate animation does not work at all, plus there doesn't appear to be any animations for the front doors.

I  will be using the UAZ vehicle from the Opfor mod as a working replacement.


Thank you both for adding to my skill set. 


Now I just have to figure out how to close the door.......

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20 minutes ago, olegreyghost said:



I was able to get the info I needed.  The van worked like a charm, but sadly it is too big & seems out of place in the storyline.  

As far as pickups go, they do not work. FYI. The offroad covered vehicle animations are not correct.  door3 animation opens the tailgate & the tailgate animation does not work at all, plus there doesn't appear to be any animations for the front doors.

I  will be using the UAZ vehicle from the Opfor mod as a working replacement.


Thank you both for adding to my skill set. 


Now I just have to figure out how to close the door.......


animateDoor    2nd array parameters: 1 to open 0 to close.

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I apologize.  That was me trying to make light of the problem with the doors.  I am aware of the parameters.


As a matter of fact, when the player got into the UAZ, the door closed automatically.  Sounds too good to be true.  Well it is.  No floorboards.  His arse is on the pavement.


Looks like it might just be the van.  The only other vehicle I found so far was the ural......


Thanks again.  If I find a smaller vehicle, I will update the post.......

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