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TitleText dissapears too fast

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2 hours ago, sarogahtyp said:

I guess we get closer.

show al_vehicle_fire.sqf !



// by ALIAS


private ["_unit_afect","_life_time","_kill_vik","_crew_fire"];


if (!isServer) exitwith {};

params ["_unit_afect","_life_time","_kill_vik","_crew_fire"];


if (!isNil {_unit_afect getVariable "on_alias_fire"}) exitWith {};

_unit_afect setVariable ["on_alias_fire",true,true];

waitUntil {!isNil "allPlayers_on"};


//waitUntil {!(canMove _unit_afect)};

waitUntil {(((_unit_afect) getHitPointDamage "hitEngine") >0.7)||(((_unit_afect) getHitPointDamage "HitFuel") >0.5)};

sleep (random 7);


[[_unit_afect,_life_time,_crew_fire],"AL_fire\al_vehicle_fire_sfx.sqf"] remoteExec ["execvm",0,true];


[_unit_afect,_life_time,_kill_vik] spawn 


    params ["_unit_afect","_life_time","_kill_vik"];    

    sleep _life_time;//_unit_afect setVariable ["on_alias_fire",nil,true];

    sleep 0.5;

    if (_kill_vik) then {_unit_afect setDamage 1}



if ((_crew_fire)and(_kill_vik)) then 


    _unit_afect setHitPointDamage ["hitEngine",1];

    _pasageri = fullCrew _unit_afect;

    if (count _pasageri > 0) then 



            if (isPlayer (_x select 0)) then {(_x select 0) setVariable ["set_on_fire",true,true]} else {_life_time= 5+random 10; [_x select 0,_life_time,15,_unit_afect] execvm "AL_fire\al_unit_fire_car.sqf"; doGetOut _x; /*_x leaveVehicle _unit_afect*/}

        } forEach _pasageri




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A bit late, but I had a similar issue, so this might help somebody.

Turns out I was using 'playSound' to play a sound as the text popped up, when the sound ended (about 1 second) the text vanished. If I removed the sound then no issues.

Now I've just made my text popup 1 second after the sound, no issues.

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1 hour ago, huntah said:

A bit late, but I had a similar issue, so this might help somebody.

Turns out I was using 'playSound' to play a sound as the text popped up, when the sound ended (about 1 second) the text vanished. If I removed the sound then no issues.

Now I've just made my text popup 1 second after the sound, no issues.

Could you share the code with culprit?

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