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Hi, I want to make a small key-card script but I need some help.


I want to make it so that when you have a certain item in your inventory you automaticly get access to PD/DOC doors. ( player setVariable ["copLevel",1,true]; )


This is what I have tried:


_items = items player;


if ("Toolkit" in _items) then {

 player setVariable ["copLevel",1,true];

} else {

 player setVariable ["copLevel",0,true];



Though I can't get it to work this way, and I also dont know where I would put this script to make it work.

Any help is appreciated.

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_items = (vestItems player) + (uniformItems player) + (backpackItems player);

might not be correct, was just a quick thought.

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5 minutes ago, Moon_chilD said:


_items = (vestItems player) + (uniformItems player) + (backpackItems player);

might not be correct, was just a quick thought.

I already use the same script for a bank robbery system, "items player" automaticly searches through the vest, uniform and backpack already.

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First of all, place the script where player is defined (MP), initPlayerLocal.sqf is the best place in all cases.
loop it. If you want an updated code:

player spawn {
  while {true} do {
     waitUntil {sleep 1; "ToolKit" in items _this};
     _this setVariable ["copLevel",1,true];
     waitUntil {sleep 1; !("ToolKit" in items _this)};
     _this setVariable ["copLevel",0,true];

Note1: This code is just an example. It can be more complex if you plan other levels of coop with other items.
Note2:  the in command is case sensitive so "ToolKit" works, not "Toolkit"


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8 hours ago, pierremgi said:

First of all, place the script where player is defined (MP), initPlayerLocal.sqf is the best place in all cases.
loop it. If you want an updated code:

player spawn {
  while {true} do {
     waitUntil {sleep 1; "ToolKit" in items _this};
     _this setVariable ["copLevel",1,true];
     waitUntil {sleep 1; !("ToolKit" in items _this)};
     _this setVariable ["copLevel",0,true];

Note1: This code is just an example. It can be more complex if you plan other levels of coop with other items.
Note2:  the in command is case sensitive so "ToolKit" works, not "Toolkit"


Thanks alot, this works perfectly as how I wanted it to work. 

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14 minutes ago, steam-76561198069261992 said:

Thanks alot, this works perfectly as how I wanted it to work. 


Right, I was over excited. It works when the classname in question is ToolKit.


But when I change it to "vop_keycard_west" it doesnt work anymore, and yes it is the correct classname.


Any ideas @pierremgi ?

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3 seconds using google:

("vop_keycard_west" in Magazines player);


So it seems to be a magazine

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3 minutes ago, sarogahtyp said:

3 seconds using google:

("vop_keycard_west" in Magazines player);


So it seems to be a magazine

Whoops, that makes sense. Sorry haha. Thanks alot though.

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