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HC and Dedicated question.

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Hi, when using a Headless Client is it only limited to handle ai and it's calculations? My HC is handling the mission/spawn ai and delete/clean up but not the server stuff like changing weather, time acc etc, i guess that's correct?


When using commands like enableDynamicSimulationSystem true; from initServer.sqf does that apply for the AI spawned from the HC or does it need to be set within the HC script? I've read that the server difficulty for the Ai is using the HC profile and not the regular server profile, maybe it's the same for some of the server commands affecting ai's and vehicle?



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Headless client manages local AIs, so the AIs spawned on this PC, and nothing more (but that can be a huge help with all AIs behaviors compared with weather sync!

You cant find some precisions about dynamic simulation, especially here for your question.

To achieve best results it is suggested to manage dynamic simulation on one place - ideally on server


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I see. Is it a bad idea to let the Headless client manage anything else beside Ai? Like clean up scripts, move markers on map, different loop checks etc.


Also, when using a Headless client to manage the spawning of ai's, the Zeus will loose control of the ai's. Is it possible to regain control/visibilty of the ai's in the Zeus panel without changing ownership to the regular server from HC?

In a non-HC mission i use Zeus addCuratorEditableObjects [[_unit], false]; but that won't work in this case.

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You can transfer the units in HC by setOwner /setGroupOwner, when you want by script. And you have also some event handlers for curator . I didn't test but it seems to me a good approach for your goal.


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pierremgi Are you sure that commands like [(_this#0),clientowner] remoteexeccall ["setOwner",2,false] always work ? or different question what are situations for dedicated when this commadn is blocked? from my experience command work god in 90% of cases but sometimes are AI units resistant for this command - stay remote no matter how you try to chenge their locality - any ideas what can cause this situation from dedicated logic what circumstances limiting apllying of this command on unit - on BI is nothing about this and problem is very offen observed?

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32 minutes ago, h4wek said:

pierremgi Are you sure that commands like [(_this#0),clientowner] remoteexeccall ["setOwner",2,false] always work ? or different question what are situations for dedicated when this commadn is blocked? from my experience command work god in 90% of cases but sometimes are AI units resistant for this command - stay remote no matter how you try to chenge their locality - any ideas what can cause this situation from dedicated logic what circumstances limiting apllying of this command on unit - on BI is nothing about this and problem is very offen observed?


Difficult to answer. The hardest question often starts by "sometimes" or "often".

May be this page could help : Locality

Perhaps AI leader(s) locality or the way your headless client works (if related to this topic)?


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Problem is that I have no HC but I observe what is reason of this situations - dummies units prepared for players JOIN to them, blocked AI units are connected to them and dedicated still see them as players (why ??). This problem happen when players unconnect from server unexpected and dedicated not allow to change their locality ot any other client.

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