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Placing empty ammo crates

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I think it's weird...that if you take the time to use the editor to place an "empty" ammo crate....it still has (I'll use west as an example) m16 mags, and grenades.......is there any way to place a completely empty ammo crate?

Thanks for any help

Kirk Dyreson


Northern Illinois Airsoft Association

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Yes, I believe the commands removeAllweapons, removeWeaponCargo etc. can be used to empty the crates.

Please look at the official command reference and try out some commands. I don't remember the exact function/command you need.

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yeah, I tried both of those........

removeallweapons this

the editor accepts that one...but it still has ammo in it......err!!

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I use this one all the time, although I usually use it on ammunition trucks instead of crates. It will work for crates too, however. The command is

clearmagazinecargo this

I wish you good luck with your editing. It is good to see that at least some of the editors are giving a damn about the weapons loadout.

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Or, if you want to be more specific, you can use:

this removeMagazine(s) "HandGrenade";

or whatever mag you want out. Using Magazine removes one of the type, using Magazines removes all of the type.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wish you good luck with your editing. It is good to see that at least some of the editors are giving a damn about the weapons loadout<span id='postcolor'>

I think you will find that only CTF,TDM or DM have those outragious STOCKPILES of every weapon and ammo in OFP which i do agree we need more control on weapons cus if you have 20 M21's in a ammo box the odds are everyplayer will take them. (plus i HATE snipers when theres more than 5) you cant move anywhere with out getting picked off.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Beno @ Feb. 08 2003,05:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Or, if you want to be more specific, you can use:

this removeMagazine(s) "HandGrenade";

or whatever mag you want out. Using Magazine removes one of the type, using Magazines removes all of the type.<span id='postcolor'>

I'm not sure that the "removemagazines" command will remove magazines from a crate or a truck. I think it only works on a soldier.

Junker, I was actually referring to the countless missions I have played where the soldier starts out with the default four magazines and six hand grenades or whatever. It's very irritating removing your handgrenades every game. It's even worse on maps such as Blackops HALO when you are commander and have to remove twelve or fifteen blackops' satchel charges every single time one of your guys goes splat or when your team gets wasted driving foolishly through the town after Saint Pierre. I've only seen one or two maps where you actually start out with a weapon other than the default. Don't these people learn how to edit before they make maps available for public use?

Of course, the problem that you are talking about is also irritating. My personal peeve is the G36. It always kills in one shot (unrealistically), and all of the mission makers seem to love placing them liberally throughout the map, so everybody grabs it and runs around randomly spraying in full automatic. All you need to add is bunny-hopping and we will have something along the line of Counter-Strike.

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