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How to increase health to MP players?

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How do I increase health to my playable units when playing MP? Or reduce incoming damage coming from enemies? Is there a simple script for this or just adding something to player's init field would do the trick?


I'm running few mods including ACE which seems to f*ck everything up. Few years back I used to change the Ace's Player Critical Damage Threshold setting to my liking (around 9.98) and it seemed to do the trick. We could take lot more damage from enemies until we would go unconscious or die. Now changing that setting won't do much difference no more so we die from just 1-3 bullets without any armor.


I'd like to change the settings so we could take about 5-10x more hits/damage until we would go uncoscious or die. This adding HP thing in ArmA has been a very problematic for me and my friends.

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You can still achieve the same result via the ace settings afaik.  If you don't want to do that look into the hit eventhandler

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🙂 Agree ACE is too preemptive on many vanilla things (example)


quick & dirty:

place a trigger set to true (firing at mission start), or in init.sqf, and run this code:


  _x addEventHandler ["handleDamage",{
    params ["_unit", "", "_dam"];
    _dam = _dam /10;
    damage _unit +_dam
} forEach (switchableUnits + playableUnits);




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