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General McTavish

Create Vehicle Position help

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Hey all


I am helping to build a ramp/obstacle course and having difficulty working out how to set the objects on the Z Index


I can spawn them fine, however, they spawn at all ground level


Not sure on how to correctly pull the position so they create correctly in the air


Any help would be great




private _courseObjects = 












































































    _objectClass = _x select 0;

    _objectPosition = _x select 1;

    _objectDirection = _x select 2;


    private _objectClass = (_x select 0) createVehicle _objectPosition;


} forEach _courseObjects;


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Your code spoiler might be empty. Could also just be my phone. But I can't see anything in the spoiler. 


Edit: Yep, you're missing your code example.

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Test 1:

Place a box on the map. Right click on the box and take a note of its X,Y and Z coordinates.

Now place the box somewhere else and place a trigger on the map.

In the trigger, write a command so that the box is transported to those coordinates

Test that when the trigger fires, the box moves to the correct coordinates.


Test 2:

This time, place a box on the map and use the mouse so that the box is well above the ground level.  Take a note of its X,Y and Z coordinates

Now place the box somewhere else, at ground level, and place a trigger on the map.

In the trigger, write a command so that the box is transported to those coordinates

Test that when the trigger fires, the box moves to the correct coordinates. The problem is that, when the mission starts, gravity will takeover and the box will fall to the ground.




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7 hours ago, beno_83au said:

Your code spoiler might be empty. Could also just be my phone. But I can't see anything in the spoiler. 


Edit: Yep, you're missing your code example.


Woops, fixed 😄

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You can't spawn an object in the air, static, without disabling its simulation.

    params ["_objectClass","_objectPosition", "_objectDirection"];
    _object = _objectClass createVehicle _objectPosition;
    _object setdir _objectDirection;
    _object enableSimulationGlobal FALSE;
} forEach _courseObjects;

EDITED: See below.

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19 hours ago, pierremgi said:

You can't spawn an object in the air, static, without disabling its simulation.

    params ["_objectClass","_objectPosition", "_objectDirection"];
    _object = _objectClass createVehicle _objectPosition;
    _object setdir _objectDirection;
    _object enableSimulationGlobal FALSE;
} forEach _courseObjects;



Thanks for the reply, I totally forgot about simulation


I tried your code and it won't spawn anything at all now.

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1 hour ago, General McTavish said:


Thanks for the reply, I totally forgot about simulation


I tried your code and it won't spawn anything at all now.

Depending on what is your final code. There is no reason to fail if the local variables are defined...


EDITED: my bad! I forgot to refer to _x in forEach loop. And you must use the alternate syntax of createVehicle:


0 = [] spawn {
 private _courseObjects =  
 ["Land_VR_Block_01_F",[24244.6,18788.1,15.4802],271.209] ];
    _x params ["_objectClass","_objectPosition", "_objectDirection"];
    _object = createVehicle [_objectClass,_objectPosition,[], 0, "can_collide"];
    _object setdir _objectDirection;
    _object enableSimulationGlobal FALSE;
} forEach _courseObjects;

With this syntax and these objects, the simulation line is not mandatory.

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