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Hints, radio, and text&(local variables?)

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My buy script is getting towards done (well, lets say 1\4 complete). I need a way of showing a variable (the current money count) for a certain team. Now, I need this to be a global or server side variable.

1. What is the difference between hints, radio, and text?

2. Which of them can display dynamic information? Any, if at all? Or do you have to write the script to where if the number increases or decreases, to update the number\variable display?

and a small low down on local and global variables would be nice. I hope to put it in my FAQ, and then release it sometime soon. I tried searching, no avial.

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Hint : displayed in a little box in the left top corner of the screen.  Commands are "hint" and "hintc", hintc will pauze the game and a key ( or space, cant remember ) has to be pressed to resume the game.

Hints can be recalled by pressing "h" in the game.

Radio : mostly used as "sidechat" or "groupchat" or "globalchat".  Is the text shown in the corresponding colors (blue, green & white) at the bottom of the screen.  The usualy represent communications between troops or HQ and troops.

text : Title text, shown in middle of the screen or at bottom if selected in the trigger.  Used mostly as titles.

Hope this was what you were looking for.



In most cases where buying stuff scripts are used i think they mostly all use the hint feature.

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Oh, so you can have hint be a server side variable and display to only one team then? coolness.

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Rather than clog up the main forum i thought i'd post here:

I want sideChat to use someones user name, ie I want a unit to refer to another particular unit by their name:

Officer sideChat "Where the hell is (username)"

Tell me how and i will give you total budha consciousness!!!

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> Officer sideChat "Where the hell is (username)"


Officer sideChat format["Where the hell is %1", name (user variable)]

Pope Zog

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