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Issues with fleeing squads

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iv noticed that setting the entire groups courage to max has little effect on them fleeing or not,they simply still do flee.The AI squad leader courage s from what i understand the most important value here(set to max) and the groups in my mission sometimes flee.This is not an option for my scenario as squads MUST fight to the last man in order to activate the next squads to move in and so on so fourth.


And correct me if im wrong,but fleeing is when a squad retreat to the nearest supply point/friendly unit? correct?Because i noticed them doing this,but again their courage is maxed out. 


Does the allow fleeing command help stop this? From what i understand it simply is another way of telling the group that they have max courage.

Any knowledge in this is appreciated as i dont really trust the Biki as alot of stuff that should work with AI simply doesnt.


also the syntax looks like so


_group1 allowFleeing 0;

How would i place in the init.sqf of the mission a way to prevent all east and west from fleeing. would this syntax be correct for west for example?;


  if ((side _x) == West) then
     allowFleeing 0;
} forEach allUnits;

Or is this the way to go?


{_x allowfleeing 0} foreach allunits;


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Sadly this aspect of Arma was never fully fleshed out and they will not always respond properly or at all to these types of commands. Of course there are always work around arounds should you decide to put in the script time

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