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[Please Help] Port Forwarding Dilemma

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For a long while I had my A3 Dedicated Server working, visible & accessible to the world.  To make that work originally had to set up port forwarding on my router, which I figured out based on this helpful video.


Fast forward months to today.  I just got a new cable modem, which came with a built-in router.


To get my DS up and running again with the new modem/router combo, I knew I'd need to set up port forwarding again.  So I logged into my new modem/router via browser, and the interface is a bit different, which is to be expected.


The original router port forwarding interface had one field for IP address, which (according to that video), I get from ipconfig's "IPv4 Address".  Again this worked and my game was visible to the world, and I was very happy.


However... The new modem/router combo's port forwarding interface, asks for two ip addresses: "Server IP" and "Server IPv6".  So for "Server IP", I enter ipconfig's IPv4 Address.  And for "Server IPv6", I wasn't sure what to enter so I left it blank.  And unfortunately my game is not visible to the world.


At this point, I watched a bunch of videos about Port Forwarding and turns out, all of the router interfaces showcased (in those videos) were wildly different, but all of them just have that one IP field.  Which is the field that gets the ipconfig's IPv4 Address.  None of the videos have a second IP field, named "Server IPv6" or anything else.


Surely I'm missing something.  So I rewatched that original video, and turns out it's the only one of the bunch of videos I watched where the router interface port forwarding asks for two IP addresses!  In this case his port forwarding interface asks for "External IP Address" (with ports) and "Local IP Address" (with ports).  Again this video (the video that helped me get DS working last time), has user input ipconfig's IPv4 Address into the "Local IP Address".  And for the "External IP Address" field, has user input  And apparently that worked for him.


So now I'm thinking, that my current interface's port forwarding "Server IP" field is probably equivalent to his "Local IP Address".  And I'm also thinking my current interface's port forwarding "Server IPv6" is probably equivalent to his "External IP Address".  <- Hoping I'm not way out in left field here?


Anyhow per the video, for my "Server IP" I enter my ipconfig's IPv4 Address.  And for my "Server IPv6", I enter (as it seems he did), only my interface won't take, and instructs to enter a valid IPv6 address!  My interface will however allow me to leave my "Server IP" field blank.


In any event, please help... I'm stuck!


Quick summary:

Creating a Port Forward entry with "Server IP" set to my ipconfig's IPv4 Address, and with "Server IPv6" left blank, does not seem to work... as I don't see my game.  What's this 2nd port forwarding IP field all about, and is it necessary?


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1. ip v6 is not supported by A3 and never will be

2. you should name your exact router model for better reference

3. sharing an image of your exact configuration should help

4. best to join arma discord and ask in #troubleshooting or #server_admins for assistance

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Turns out... Rebooting my new modem/router combo made the port forwarding work. I totally should have thought of this. So my DS is up and running again, visible remotely, etc. Thanks kju for the tips & help. Everything is good to go (again)!

  • Thanks 1

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https://imgur.com/Qa4KHpz    This is my port forwarding setup. I have an Arris and have no idea the model plus we have a NETGear 8 port switch on it. 


Imgur link is my image showing my port forwarding... below explains


All of these are for my pc except Steam (25), that is for my husband's pc. 
I am trying to work on both a DayZ server and an Arma 3 dedicated server. Mine are all the 18 settings. The thing is, on his, 25, he does in game hosting of games, web hosting. 

I cannot seem to load the dedicated tonight once he started playing. I kept getting UPnP Failed once I launch the server.  Armaserver and battleye I did today. The DayZ are all from last two weeks. We did get a new switch, but it did not change my IP4


What am I doing wrong?  I haven't messed with this sort of thing for quiet awhile now and don't remember most of what I did before and made it work. 


Thank you!

Edited by cgibson2
Had a fix where the imgur link was

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