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Need a navigable interactive action menue in form of a GUI Menue

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Hello Arma 3 developers, scripters and gamers,


What I'm doing:

I'm develope a framework to validate datatype subjects like pairs, indices, unit vectors, unit intervals, rgb colors, paths and so on.

It will display in a simple message at gameplay in different code colors, if an validation message ocurre.

I developed a dynamic tiny template engine for this FW.  The version of Arma 3 must be at least 1.82+.

Right now I develope test cases.


What I need:

I need - as the topic sais - a navigable interactive action menue in form of a GUI Menue.


My Question:

Are there BuitIn BIS Scripts do to that?


thanks, mg


PS: In the future, I will finish the development of a FW that can import and export compositions with random items, 3D positions, appearance and other attributes. But first this FW to develope that FW that.

Edited by bi_mg

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  On 12/3/2020 at 6:36 PM, bi_mg said:

a navigable interactive action menue


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Hi Larrow,


thank you very much. I will test it and reference it to your FW, if I use it or parts of your code.


can you list up builtin simple BIS script functions as I asked please? I'm very sure you are professional in this case, simply because wrote your actionMenu FW, no doubt 😉. My intention is that my framework should contain as few external scripts as possible and rely on builtin script functions. So you can simple use It on Arma 3 Core. That is why I asked.

good night

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You could create a menu via showCommandingMenu

See first Note by LaKing for an example.

  • Thanks 1

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thank you very much!!! That will help 👍.

See you then in my first presentation of my first Arma 3 DEV FW - in Dec/Jan I hope 😬.

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