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[SOLVED]Getting a "target lock box" with a JTAC laser designator???

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Hi, as the title suggest, I would like to know if there's a way to get the "square-box" you get when lasing a target from a vehicle/plane, but using the laser-designator on the ground. 

The desired effect would be:

-I lase a target (eg a vehicle),

-I get the white square box

-the info is passed to an AI plane

-a hint says: "target is displayNameOfEnemy"  

-the square become red to indicate the vehicle has been targeted

-BOOM...square goes away when target is destroyed.

Is it possible?😋


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If you don't want to mod a designator, the simplest way seems to me a display (rscTitles on a mod or description.ext), then a draw3D missionEH with conditions on it.

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7 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

If you don't want to mod a designator, the simplest way seems to me a display (rscTitles on a mod or description.ext), then a draw3D missionEH with conditions on it.

Thank you, Pierre, 

I try to stay away from mods so scripting would be the thing. But it seems more complicated than I was expecting. But is worth a try..

how do I achieve that..or where I start ?

EDIT: obviously I'm aware of :



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2 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

Wait a (several) minute(s)....

Take all the time you need man!

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Bah, I made it simple. In initplayerLocal.sqf:


addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
  if (!isnull laserTarget player) then {
    private _status = 1;
    if (side cursorObject in (player call BIS_fnc_enemySides)) then {
      if !(cursorObject isSensorTargetConfirmed  playerSide) then {
        cursorObject confirmSensorTarget [playerSide, true];
        hint parseText format ["<t> the target is a %1<br/>at grid pos %2 </t>",getText (configFile /"cfgVehicles" / typeOf cursorObject / "displayName"),mapGridPosition cursorObject];
      _status = 0;
  drawIcon3D ["a3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\targeting\seekerlocked_ca.paa", [1,_status ,_status,1],getPos laserTarget player , 3, 3, 0, "", 0, 0.05, "TahomaB"];


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1 hour ago, pierremgi said:

Bah, I made it simple. In initplayerLocal.sqf:



WOW...that was quick!

Works like a charm...now I have to find a way to implement this in a "Frankenstein-script" I'm working on, based on the AWESOME @The Real Bunc [RELEASE] Deadly Drone ( AI/Manual Greyhawk) V1.0.

He encourages me to make any change I want for my mission needs, as long as he's credited for the "core". So far I came up with this:


if ((alive uav1)) then { 
[] spawn { 
playSound3D ["A3\dubbing_f\modules\supports\cas_heli_request.ogg", player];  
sleep 5;  
playSound3D ["A3\dubbing_f\modules\supports\uav_acknowledged.ogg", player];  
_playerGrp = group uav1;  
deleteWaypoint [_playerGrp, 1];   
_wp =_playerGrp addWaypoint [position player, 0];   
_wp setWaypointType "LOITER";   
_wp setWaypointLoiterRadius 1000;   
_wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL";   
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";  
uav1 flyInHeight 2000;  
waitUntil { ((alive uav1)) && ((uav1 distance player) <= 2500) && triggerActivated drone_trigg; };
 start = {     
removeallactions player;     
player addAction ["<t size='1.5' shadow='2' color='#ffff00'>DRONE OPTIONS:</t>", moptions, [], 6, false, true, "", ""];     
moptions = {     
removeallactions player;     
player addAction ["<t size='1.5' shadow='2' color='#00cc00'> ON STANDBY</t>", o1, [], 4, false, true, "", ""];     
player addAction ["<t size='1.5' shadow='2' color='#ff9900'> MANUAL FIRE</t>", o2, [], 3, false, true, "", ""];     
player addAction ["<t size='1.5' shadow='2' color='#cc3300'> AUTO TARGET</t>", o3, [], 2, false, true, "", ""];     
player addAction ["<t size='1.5' shadow='2' color='#3366cc'>DISMISS DRONE</t>", o4, [], 1, false, true, "", ""];     
o1 = {         
uav1 setvariable ["Mode","STANDBY"];     
call start;      
o2 = {        
uav1 setvariable ["Mode","DESIGNATE"];      
call start;      
o3 = {         
uav1 setvariable ["Mode","AUTO"];     
call start;      
o4 = {     
removeAllActions player;  
uav1 setBehaviour "SAFE";  
uav1 setCombatMode "BLUE";     
hint "";      
call start; 

params ["_drone","_rearmDelay","_weapon","_info"];

_drone setVariable ["Mode","STANDBY"];

while {alive _drone} do 
           if (_drone ammo _weapon == 0) then
                 if (_info == "true") then {hint "Rearming...Wait";};
                 sleep _rearmDelay;
                 _drone setvehicleAmmo 1;

            if (_drone getVariable "Mode" == "AUTO") then
                 if (_info == "true") then {hint "AUTO TARGET ON";};
                 sleep 3;
                 if (_info == "true") then {hint "SCANNING FOR TARGETS...";};
                 sleep 6;
                myNearestEnemy = _drone findNearestEnemy _drone;
              if (!isNull myNearestEnemy) then 
                _drone lockCameraTo [myNearestEnemy, [0]];
                _drone doTarget myNearestEnemy;
                _drone doWatch myNearestEnemy; 
                if (_info == "true") then {hint "TARGET ACQUIRED...RELEASING ORDNANCE IN 3..2..1";};
                _drone fireAtTarget [myNearestEnemy,"Laserdesignator_mounted"];
                sleep 1;
                _drone fireAtTarget [myNearestEnemy,_weapon];
                if (_info == "true") then {hint "ORDNANCE DROPPED!!!!";};
                sleep 10;
                _drone fireAtTarget [myNearestEnemy,"Laserdesignator_mounted"];

            if (_drone getVariable "Mode" == "DESIGNATE") then
                   if (_info == "true") then {hint "SEND TARGET...";};
                   sleep 2;
                   if (_info == "true") then {hint "KEEP LASER ON TARGET...";};  
                   sleep 3;
                   targetsarray = _drone targets [true, 3000];         
                   index = targetsarray findIf {TypeOf _x =="lasertargetW"}; 
                 if (index>=0) then
                    myNearestEnemy = targetsarray select index;
                    _drone lockCameraTo [myNearestEnemy, [0]]; 
                    _drone doTarget myNearestEnemy; 
                    _drone doWatch myNearestEnemy;  
                   if (_info == "true") then {hint "TARGET ACQUIRED...RELEASING ORDNANCE IN 3..2..1";};  
                    sleep 1; 
                    _drone fireAtTarget [myNearestEnemy,_weapon]; 
                    sleep 2; 
                   if (_info == "true") then {playSound3D ["A3\dubbing_f\modules\supports\artillery_acknowledged.ogg", player];};  
                    sleep 6; 
				if (_drone getVariable "Mode" == "STANDBY") then
                   if (_info =="true") then {hint "VOLTURE 1-1 AWAITING ORDERS...";};
                  //_drone lockCameraTo [[position uav1 select 0, position _drone select 1,0], [0]];
                   sleep 2;
				   _drone setBehaviour "SAFE";
				   _drone setCombatMode "BLUE";

 This will

-move the drone in your AO if you don't have the UAV terminal in your inventory or you don't want the player to have one, for some reason.

-wait for the drone to be in your AO and the script is starting

-an addAction will be available with 4 options:




-DISMISS DRONE (just in case you want things to quiet down😛)


In the end, I have to insert your script in there, for this result:

In manual fire mode, when I lase the target, I get the square and the UAV reply with "Target is whatever at whatever grid...engaging!"

Anyway, really REALLY thank you, Pierre!

Complete credits are due, clearly.




           if (_drone getVariable "Mode" == "DESIGNATE") then
                   if (_info == "true") then {hint "SEND TARGET...";};
                   sleep 2;
                   if (_info == "true") then {hint "KEEP LASER ON TARGET...";};  
                   sleep 3;
                   targetsarray = _drone targets [true, 3000];         
                   index = targetsarray findIf {TypeOf _x =="lasertargetW"}; 
                 if (index>=0) then
                    myNearestEnemy = targetsarray select index;
                    _drone lockCameraTo [myNearestEnemy, [0]]; 
                    _drone doTarget myNearestEnemy; 
                    _drone doWatch myNearestEnemy;

                   if (_info == "true") then {hint parseText format ["<t> the target is a %1<br/>at grid pos %2...ENGAGING!!! </t>",getText (configFile                                                   /"cfgVehicles" / typeOf cursorObject / "displayName"),mapGridPosition cursorObject];};  
                    sleep 1;

                    _drone fireAtTarget [myNearestEnemy,_weapon]; 
                    sleep 2; 
                   if (_info == "true") then {hint "MISSILE FIRED!";};  
                    sleep 6; 



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