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Ammo Bearer with random ammo in backpack?

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Is it possible to have a Bergen backpack with randomized ammo?  If so how?


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Wrote this little script that does that, it adds the backpack full of magazines of types listed, to player


_unit = player;

clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit;

_magTypes = ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","Chemlight_green"];

while { true } do
_mag = selectRandom _magTypes;
if(!(_unit canAddItemToBackpack _mag)) exitWith {};

_unit addItemToBackpack _mag;


Just put the magazines you want in the _magTypes array. There's currently only one mag type and chemlight 🙂

and replace player with any unit you want

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Create 10  Bergen pack packs each with different types of ammo


Arrange a random event so that 9 of them are destroyed as soon as the mission starts


Walk around a wall. When you arrive, there is one back pack.  From the player's point of view, every time you start the mission, you get one of 10 back packs at random.





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Create 10  AI soldiers.  Each has a Bergen back pack with a different load of ammo.


Create a trigger that makes all 10 come to you to provide ammo.


Create a trigger so that 9 are deleted at random and one survives.


From the player's point of view, every time you play the mission, an ammo carrier will arrive. he will have one of 10 back packs at random.

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Thanks to both of you.  I will give it a try i think the one gc8 suggested might be more what im looking for. 


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On 11/12/2020 at 10:45 AM, gc8 said:

Wrote this little script that does that, it adds the backpack full of magazines of types listed, to player


_unit = player;

clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit;

_magTypes = ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","Chemlight_green"];

while { true } do
_mag = selectRandom _magTypes;
if(!(_unit canAddItemToBackpack _mag)) exitWith {};

_unit addItemToBackpack _mag;


Just put the magazines you want in the _magTypes array. There's currently only one mag type and chemlight 🙂

and replace player with any unit you want

Where does the script go and how do you adjust quantity of each mag?  Can that be random too?

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6 hours ago, BlackbirdSD said:

Where does the script go and how do you adjust quantity of each mag?  Can that be random too?


The script can go to init.sqf it depends entirely which backpacks you want to fill. Do you mean you want more mags of certain type than others?


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9 hours ago, gc8 said:


The script can go to init.sqf it depends entirely which backpacks you want to fill. Do you mean you want more mags of certain type than others?


to have a random quantity of the random mags.

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Well there's the selectRandomWeighted command so I modified the script to this:


_unit = player;

clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit;

_magTypes = ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",random 1,"Chemlight_green",random 1];

while { true } do
_mag = selectRandomWeighted _magTypes;
if(!(_unit canAddItemToBackpack _mag)) exitWith {};

_unit addItemToBackpack _mag;


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On 11/15/2020 at 4:47 AM, gc8 said:

Well there's the selectRandomWeighted command so I modified the script to this:


_unit = player;

clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit;

_magTypes = ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",random 1,"Chemlight_green",random 1];

while { true } do
_mag = selectRandomWeighted _magTypes;
if(!(_unit canAddItemToBackpack _mag)) exitWith {};

_unit addItemToBackpack _mag;


Thanks.  Ill try

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