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Kaede Takagaki

CUP dev LST ramps down animate scripts?

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Hi all:


I am getting trouble in find out how to lower the front ramp of the Type 072 LST from CUP Vehicles DEV.


Same to all CUP Static ship , there has nothing in the AnimateSource and UserAction.

However, during check the config viewers, I ‘ve find that the ship has into few parts like :

CUP_Type072_Main (come first)




Then , I find both animateSources and UserActions in CUP_Type072_Front.

Which called :



then I tried scripts:

this animateSource [“ramp_4_source”,1];

this animateSource [“ramp_front_source”,1];

However , they are not work 😞 And the same thing to scripts from userActions .


The problem might be the ship placed is a whole object but the scripts are from parts and it cause the scripts cannot work....


Anyone could help me figure it out...I really need it in my mission (I know I can directly down the ramp from options in attributes, but I need the lowing process ...)


All ideas are welcome, thanks in advance.



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