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HELP Respawn playable units in group on mp

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I want a group of playable ai respawn if everyone is dead but instead everyone respawns after they died.

this addEventHandler ["Killed", {
_victim = _this select 0;
_grpvicitm = group _victim;
waitUntil {count units _grpvicitm == 0}

The respawn in wave dosent work for playable ais.I dont want to use spawn ai module.So basically i want that if an ai dies then waituntil everyone is dead in the group after that the group respawns.

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My question is: why a playable AI for that?

Is this an MP or/and SP scenario? If AIs stay non-played, you don't need playable AIs, just create some other units when the player (leader I guess) dies.

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Playable ai for mp skrimish there are two teams each team enters in planes and dogfight with eachother. But i dont want them respawn immediately i want them to wait eachother until the group unit count reaches 0.Then the team respawns.

I dont want to use spawn ai module because my units are custom units.I hate when every unit in a group is miles away from me.Or the other is just enters again in a plane because it respawned.

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Since the playable units are llike bots and they can respawn i use them.I have your ai respawn module but i cant set them custom waypoints in that.

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I am assuming he likes to play scenarios with a few friends or use the AI if friends are not on. I prefer to play this way  only with a few friends and have the ability to teamswitch into different AI depending on the need of the mission.  


I use a modified AIS wound system with 18 playable units broken down into two  9 man squads that can be broken down into 6 3 man teams by radio trigger.


The playable units will never die only go unconscious the mission will end if all the playable units are unconscious I called it last man standing mode as long as one playable units is conscious everyone else can get revived. 


Can you have a group of  playable AI all spawn back at the same time? I didn't think that was possible like you can have a group of non playable AI spawn back?  

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10 minutes ago, avibird 1 said:

I am assuming he likes to play scenarios with a few friends or use the AI if friends are not on. I prefer to play this way  only with a few friends and have the ability to teamswitch into different AI depending on the need of the mission.  


I use a modified AIS wound system with 18 playable units broken down into two  9 man squads that can be broken down into 6 3 man teams by radio trigger.


The playable is units will never die only go unconscious the mission will end if all the playable units are unconscious I called it last man standing mode as long as one playable units is conscious everyone else can get revived. 


Can you have a group of  playable AI all spawn back at the same time? I didn't think that was possible like you can have a group of non playable AI spawn back?  

Since i cant respawn in sp i use mp where i can respawn alongside with the playable ais.I checked the respawn in waves and set the deal 30 but the ais dosent respawn at the same time,I tried scripting with eventhandler that would delay until the group count reaches 0.So if i die and one of my teammate is alive i can respawn again i want that if one of my teammates die they have to wait until everyone is dead and then the group respawns.


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I personally don't think you can set up playable units that way .Only non playable AI spawn in a group but perhaps somebody smarter than me can figure that out. Why not just use teamswitch and set it up how you want only one life multiple life's  or like I did only going unconscious and never die. That's the beauty about arma you can play it how you want it. The only problem is knowing how to implement what you want lol.

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But i have custom units and i dont want them to enter the planes separetly.And i want the pilots respawn when everyone died


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6 minutes ago, avibird 1 said:

I personally don't think you can set up playable units that way .Only non playable AI spawn in a group but perhaps somebody smarter than me can figure that out. Why not just use teamswitch and set it up how you want only one life multiple life's  or like I did only going unconscious and never die. That's the beauty about arma you can play it how you want it. The only problem is knowing how to implement what you want lol.

Oh what if i hide the units when they respawn and if everyone died and respawned then i unhide them?

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Maybe but like I said somebody smarter then me with scripting knowledge needs to answer that if that's even possible? 

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Just now, avibird 1 said:

Maybe but like I said somebody smarter then me with scripting knowledge needs to answer that if that's even possible? 

Btw thank you

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Just curious do you know what Jebus script is. It's a respawning script that I use it has a lot of functionality including saving waypoints. Setup a group of AI get the script to work for you then male them all playable to see what happens. You when you die go into spectator mode until all the units die then maybe all the playable units my spawn back. I'm just curious to see if that will work.

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6 minutes ago, avibird 1 said:

Just curious do you know what Jebus script is. It's a respawning script that I use it has a lot of functionality including saving waypoints. Setup a group of AI get the script to work for you then male them all playable to see what happens. You when you die go into spectator mode until all the units die then maybe all the playable units my spawn back. I'm just curious to see if that will work.

I will give it a try.

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18 hours ago, avibird 1 said:

Okay i solved it.When the unit respawns i disabled simulation and i hide it then i check if the memebers of the group are hidden if they are hidden then disable simulation and reveal them.

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Demo mission would be nice always up to learn new things about Arma scripting but remember you need to test with other players to really see if it's multiplayer compatible single player and multiplayer scripting is two different stories. 

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