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How to make a Mission File for a new map?

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I would like to make the map 'Al Rayak' work for Exile, but I have no idea how to make a mission file. My initial thought was to copy the contents of the Chernarus mission file and edit where necessary, but even if that works, how do I know which trees to add to the "chop these trees for wood" section? How do I add the water pumps to make it possible to fill up water bottles? I can handle stuff like Loot Position creation if buildings are not covered, but I could still use some help with the initial setup of the map working with Exile. I will worry about traders and all that stuff later. I just need to know how to spawn in, cut trees down, make water pumps available. Or am I missing something? 


Even if someone can point a link to a tutorial, that would be great, I just can't seem to find one.

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And  I guess this also begs the question: If I add @newmap to my start, change the pbo in the server config, is that all i need to do on the server side of things?


UPDATE: Apparently not. I have tried at least 20 times today to make Al Rayak work on the server. No matter what I do, the report tells me: "Cannot find bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds.map"

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For other map you need the real name its called pja310 so use Exile.pja310.pbo then need Mission.sqm for mapmarker and Player slots , spawn points and initplayerlokal for new trader position with initserver for the building parts , then need serverside for lootspawn the cfg buildings for the map like this https://github.com/ThomasTKO/CfgBuildings

M3eden to place trader and export https://github.com/ThomasTKO/ExileStuff

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