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Screenshots and Bonus Category

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Dear Art of War contestants, 


New Bonus Category


Owing to popular demand, we have decided to create a new category for screenshots in the Art of War contest!

This bonus category has no set theme or subject and can include previously published work. However, it does have a separate, non-tiered prize structure. The creators of the six best screenshots will receive an Arma 3 t-shirt and a limited edition Arma 3 silver medal, alongside a Steam key for a back catalog of Bohemia Interactive titles. As with the winning and selected entries for the 2D artwork category, winners will have their submissions exhibited in-game, in a virtual gallery showcase.


In addition, unlike the other categories, there will be no nomination of any finalists - only winners. Furthermore, participants are invited to submit their entries via Twitter, using the #Arma3ArtofWar hashtag, or direct by email. Alternatively, you can submit your entry using the Submission Form. If your screenshot is chosen for the gallery, or if you are a winner, we will contact you with a direct message on Twitter or by email (depending on your submission method). Entries in this category will be judged by Bohemia Interactive developers. 

Regrettably, it may not be possible to display all screenshots or artworks submitted in the Art of War DLC. Similarly, entries in the 2D artwork category must be on the set theme in order to be considered.

If you're interested in entering this category, please check the Contest Rules here and take a moment to read through the requirements below:


Content Requirements


  • Screenshots must be taken in Arma 3.
  • Post-processing and any additional edits using image editing software are acceptable.


Technical Requirements


  • Screenshots should be in a high resolution (1280x720 px or higher)
  • Screenshots can be submitted by:
  • Posting on Twitter with the hashtag #Arma3ArtofWar.
  • Emailing us at artofwar@bohemia.net.
  • Using the Art of War contest Submission Form, linked here.
  • Ideally, please do not add vignette effects or strong overlays (such as interlacing) to your entries, if you hope to have them featured in the Arma 3 Art of War DLC's virtual gallery.
  • If submitting via the Submission Form, the image file(s) should be contained in a single folder, labeled 'Screenshot'.


Screenshots and the 2D Artwork Category


In addition to the above, we are also accepting screenshots for the 2D artwork category. Please note, that the theme of 'International Humanitarian Law in future conflict' is still required. Screenshot entries that are sent to us which do not meet this theme will automatically be entered into the bonus category, so you will still have a chance of winning a prize.  

Once again, good luck to everyone taking part and we look forward to seeing your entries! 

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  • Thanks 2

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