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jo spanner

Saving data, transferring between missions

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I am running an online 'campaign' of sorts.

I'm trying to create a system where the contents of player inventories and the contents of a box can be transferred between missions. The idea is that my players, once back at base (or at some other arbitrary time) can have their contents and the contents of their storage saved, so that I can transfer this to another mission.

I have tried inidbi2, and managed to get player inventory working as expected. This looked like a good solution.

However, the box contents can exceed the apparent 8kb file limit, so that's out.

I am now looking at the profileNameSpace, but is that tied to a specific mission? IE, can I access that data between different missions? The contents are not human readable.

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On 5/2/2020 at 12:57 AM, jo spanner said:

I am now looking at the profileNameSpace, but is that tied to a specific mission?

No, as the name says its tied to the profile.

On 5/2/2020 at 12:57 AM, jo spanner said:

IE, can I access that data between different missions?

Yes as long as the profile isn't changed.

On 5/2/2020 at 12:57 AM, jo spanner said:

The contents are not human readable.

They are just variables. arrays, strings, numbers...

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pretty simple, have an file that would be called say 'serverID.sqf' inside that you'd have something like.


serverID = "MYSERVERID"; //example - serverID = "PHAT"
publicVariable "serverID";

Here is a snippet of a gamemode i made years ago that did pretty much exactly what you're after



["NODE_Var_lvl"] call fn_LoadStat;
["NODE_Var_XP"] call fn_LoadStat;
["NODE_fnc_faction"] call fn_LoadStat;
["NODE_side"] call fn_LoadStat;
["NODE_fnc_class"] call fn_LoadStat;
["NODE_SETUP_COMPLETE"] call fn_LoadStat;
call NODE_fnc_gearArray;
_gearFnc = NODE_fnc_gear select NODE_Var_lvl;
player setUnitLoadout  _gearFnc;
call setupCheck;
statsLoaded = 1;

fn_SaveStat =
	_varName = _this select 0;
	_varValue = _this select 1;
	profileNameSpace setVariable [_varName + serverID,_varValue];

fn_LoadStat =
	_varName = _this select 0;
	_varValue = profileNameSpace getVariable (_varName + serverID);
	if(isNil "_varValue") exitWith {};
	[_varName,_varValue] call fn_SetStat;

specialVarLoads =

fn_SetStat =
	_varName = _this select 0;
	_varValue = _this select 1;
	if(isNil '_varValue') exitWith {};
	if(_varName in specialVarLoads) then
		if(_varName == 'NODE_Var_lvl') then {NODE_Var_lvl = _varValue};
		if(_varName == 'NODE_Var_XP') then {NODE_Var_XP = _varValue};
		if(_varName == 'NODE_fnc_faction') then {NODE_fnc_faction = _varValue};
		if(_varName == 'NODE_side') then {NODE_side = _varValue};
		if(_varName == 'NODE_fnc_class') then {NODE_fnc_class = _varValue};
		if(_varName == 'NODE_SETUP_COMPLETE') then {NODE_SETUP_COMPLETE = _varValue};
		call compile format ["%1 = %2",_varName,_varValue];

saveFuncsLoaded = true;

waitUntil {!isNil "statsLoaded"};
while {true} do
	["NODE_Var_XP", NODE_Var_XP] call fn_SaveStat;
	sleep 1;
	["NODE_Var_lvl", NODE_Var_lvl] call fn_SaveStat;



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