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Create HC client

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Please, would anyone help me create my online server headless client ? I guess I'm an asshole, it doesn't work according to the instructions on youtube. Thx

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You can add hc in editor(1), or manually (2) in your mission.sqm.




1) Adding HC using editor

Extract your mission .pbo to a folder and delete it, and copy mission.sqm form extracted folder to C:\Users\YourWindowsProfile\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions (if you have created another Arma 3 profile, then the path would be something like C:\Users\YourWindowsProfile\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\YourArmaProfile\mpmissions), and load it in the editor.


Note: when launching Arma, if you mission.sqm was not edited previously, have only Exile mod loaded.

Having loaded other mods, will add them to your mission.sqm, and you will have to load the same mods every time you will be editing your mission.sqm.


If it already was edited with loaded mods you do not have loaded at the time of editor launch, you will get something like this (in this case I loaded Arma 3 with no mods, but mission.sqm requires Exile and Dual Arms mods):




In upper right corner choose Systems (F5)




Logic Entities




Below you will see Headless Client in Virtual Entities, drag and drop it somewhere on your map, preferably next to your player slots (players won't be able to see it on map, but if you are for example using infiSTAR, logged in admins will be able to see it)




When placed, on the left side you will see it added to other items, that were placed on map, if you have any in your mission.sqm. Right click on Headless client, and select Attributes




To init field add:

this enableSimulation false; this allowDamage false

Also make sure Playable is checked, but Player is not




Click OK, repeat the process if you want to add more than one HC, if not go to Scenario menu in upper left and choose Save As




Make sure Binarize the Scenario File on bottom is unchecked and save.




Delete the old mission.sqm from your unpbo-ed mission folder, paste the one you just saved, from your Arma 3 profile folder in Documents.

In your description.ext add one more slot to maxPlayers, for each HC you added to your mission.sqm (on example below server has 100 player slots and one HC)




Re-pbo your mission folder (make sure you have added required content needed to your mission folder, if it is needed by the system you are installing HC for, before repbo-ing)




2) Adding HC manually to mission.sqm


If your mission.sqm is binarized, open it in editor as described above, choose Save As, and uncheck the Binarize the Scenario File




Delete the old mission.sqm from your unpbo-ed mission folder, paste the one you just saved, from your Arma 3 profile folder in Documents

Open mission.sqm you just pasted to your mission folder with Notepad++ or any other editor you may use


class Mission
	class Entities

(keep in mind you will have more items there than 1 and in it, under class Entities, add one more to the items=1; (for example if you have items=10; you will change it to items=11;) for each HC you want to add, and paste the code below after your last class item



class Item0
            class PositionInfo
            init="this enableSimulation false; this allowDamage false";
            description="Headless Client";


Make sure that along with adding one more item to your items=some number, you will also have to change class item number and id= to continue the sequence from your class Entities (so if, for example, last item before pasting HC part above was class Item10, you will change the class Item number to 11, and do the same with id= number (hc position coordinates you can change at will, depending on the position where you want your HC position to be on the map)



In your description.ext add one more slot to maxPlayers, for each HC you added to your mission.sqm (on example below server has 100 player slots and one HC)





Re-pbo your mission folder (make sure you have added required content needed to your mission folder, if it is needed by the system you are installing HC for, before repbo-ing)


3) @ExileServer\config.cfg


Next open your @ExileServer\config.cfg with text editor you use and add the following before class Missions (if your HC is not on the same machine, change the IP accordingly), and save


localClient[]						= {""};
headlessClients[] 					= {""};
battleyeLicense						= 1;

4) Startup

If you are using server files both for server and HC, and you are using batch to start your server, make a copy of arma3server.exe (you can rename it to hc.exe for example)

Create a new txt document in server root and rename it hc.bat, edit it, and paste this inside


::Made by Moore 
@echo off
color 0a
title HC Auto-Restarter
C:\Windows\System32\mode con cols=50 lines=3 >nul
set /a var=0
echo Running Headless Client
start "" /wait /high "hc" -client "-mod=" -high -profiles=HC_RPTs -enableHT "-config=D:\PathToYourArma3Server\@ExileServer\config.cfg" "-cfg=D:\PathToYourArma3Server\@ExileServer\basic.cfg"
set /a var+=1
echo Headless Client has shutdown %var% times, restarting
goto start

Start your server and HC


*(hopefully I did not forgot any of the steps, if I have, someone pls correct me)

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