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Sites Module not working on dedicated server?

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recently I modified the Escape from Altis mission. I put it on a dedi server and realized that all the sites modules for populating military sites with AI are not spawning any units.

There is also a  simulation manager module and in the sites modules condition I took over the code that was in there before: {_x distance _this < 1200} count units BIS_grpMain > 0

but with this code nothing gets spawned. If I leave it to TRUE its working fine...is there an error in the code?


Everthing works local btw, but on the dedicated server only condition TRUE works and that causes a performance drop

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Isn't the Sites module obsolete?

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well, it might be obsolete, but 1. it is still selectable in eden and 2. they (BI) are using it in their official escape missions (Altis and Stratis) themselves so there must be a way... it is obviously the code in the condition field.

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15 hours ago, Harzach said:

Isn't the Sites module obsolete?

I remember reading that too, but can't recall where.  And they are still there in systems; so if they're obsolete, what supersedes them?  3DEN editing maybe?

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3 minutes ago, opusfmspol said:

I remember reading that too, but can't recall where.  And they are still there in systems; so if they're obsolete, what supersedes them?  3DEN editing maybe?

I found a post mentioning they were abandoned during beta, but it wasn't an official statement. Can't find anything in the SPOTREPs. They are still available in the editor, but there is no documentation for them on the modules page of the Biki. Mixed messages!

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Is it possible BIS_grpMain is undefined when the modules condition is first checked? Causing the module to fail silently?

Maybe change to ...

!isnil "BIS_grpMain" && { {_x distance _this < 1200} count units BIS_grpMain > 0 }

Or maybe add a check in there for testing...

if ( isServer ) then {
	format[ "isNil BIS_grpMain: %1 - %2", serverTime, isNil "BIS_grpMain" ] remoteExec[ "diag_log" ];

Then check you RPT for output.


I would honestly move away from using the simulation manager and instead use the built in Arma 3 Dynamic Simulation

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I read that the modules get processed before everything else causing like Larrow mentioned the module to fail. Thank you for the help! and for the code! I will check today and report if it works.

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Ok, I tested all of this code...it doesn't work. Only with condition TRUE the sites get spawned. I started to rewrite tho whole mission, that I don't need sites modules. Getting sick when I think of Altis map....:) Anyway, Thank you guys!

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