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player controlled Car bomb trigger

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Hi! im facing a issue where i dont even know fully where to start /go about it.
Im hoping some fellas in here may be more creative.
I want to make a trigger, where once a player enters it (MP) while driving a vehicle, the vehicle he drove into the trigger, will Either
A (add radio option to blow it up)
B add a addaction to blow it up

Essentially so players can enter with vehicle and have it turned into a remote car bomb, which they can park somewhere, run off and blow it up.

(the reason addaction would work for remote, is that ive noticed adding addaction to a init manually they often can be activated from up to 50m away).

I do have a bit of experience making ai drive carbombs into triggers that spawns a gbu.. but that is vastly different from what im trying to achieve now ^^ 

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You could perhaps place a satchel charge in the vehicle and detonate the charge remotely.




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I'm not a scripter, so there may be a better way. This works in singleplayer, but isn't tested in MP. 


Place a car down, and name it,  car1


Put down a trigger, and in the on activation field put

car1 addAction ["Set Off Car Bomb", "Car Bomb.sqf"];


Create an sqf file, and name it,  Car Bomb.sqf


Put this in the sqf file

bomb = "Bomb_04_F" createVehicle position car1;


You could also put the add action onto the player instead of the car.



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I do use ace, but does that actually work?
Personally i havent really used remote explosives and such since it never seems to work right in my experience.

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"Ace" is not relevant. The explosives come standard in the game.



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