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formated setWaypointStatements

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Hello everybody,


for my understanding this should work:

_wp setWaypointStatements ["true", format["[%1,%2,%3,%4]call FNC_SERVER_wp_vehicle_radius;",_group,_pos,_radius,_terrain]];

a3 error: missing ]


_radius = number

_terrain = string


tried a lot, unfortunately the problem was not solved. values are set.

Can someone please explain my mistake?



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waypoint setWaypointStatements [condition, statement];

You can't use local variables within condition or statement parameters (see link).

But you can setVariable on a group. (here as an array).

_group setVariable ["grpData", [_group,_pos,_radius,_terrain]];


_wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "(group this getVariable ['grpData',[]]) call FNC_SERVER_wp_vehicle_radius"];

(not tested)


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Thank you very much.
I should have thought of that.
I stiffened too much to format

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1 hour ago, pierremgi said:

You can't use local variables within condition or statement parameters

Of which they are not doing.


Groups do not format to a valid type. What is the group? the same group that the waypoint belongs to? If so then the group is already available in the statement as group this.

Strings need to be formatted as strings either wrap %4 in ' ' or pass str _terrain.

FNC_SERVER_wp_vehicle_radius = {
	params[ "_grp", "_pos", "_radius", "_terrain" ];
	hint format[ "G: %1\nP: %2\nR: %3\nT: %4", _grp, _pos, _radius, _terrain ];

_group = group player;
_pos = player getPos[ 20, getDir player ];
_radius = 10;
_terrain = "STRATIS";

_wp = _group addWaypoint[ _pos, 0 ];
_wp setWaypointStatements[ "true", format[ "[ group this, %1, %2, '%3' ]call FNC_SERVER_wp_vehicle_radius;", _pos, _radius, _terrain ] ];


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