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Modified files fix

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One of our most trusted players recently re-installed his game and when he logged onto the server his DATA.PBO DATA3D.PBO and CONFIG.BIN file all showed up as "modifed".

BINGO! Here's what he had to do to fix it... and prolly the reason why so many other people are having problems with sum-check errors on these files.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ok guys i found out probably a main reason so many people are coming on with loads of modified files not just one or two. If you are told you have multi files that are modified here is the solution to your problem.

1. You need to uninstall Resistance and then Op flashpoint.

2. You need to go in and delete everything including your flashpoint folder were your game is stored. Including your userprofile. THIS IS IMPORTANT.

3. Go and download the version 1.30 and 1.46 patch for Opflashpoint. Not res just flashpoint.

4. Get the patches for Res up to 1.90.

Here is were you can screw this up bad if you don't ***** LISTEN TO ME.

5. You need to install Operation flashpoint. DO NOT INSTALL ANYTHING ELSE.

6. Next install the 1.30 patch.

7. After that install 1.46.


8. Next you want to install Resistance.

9. Install the 1.85 patch.

10. Install the 1.90 patch.

DO NOT INSTALL ANY ADDONS AT THIS TIME. Go onto the server and see if you have any modified files. You should not. If you do you fucked up the reinstall and you have to start all the way over. I spent 2 hours figuring this out the hard way. I want to give thanks to Hurricane for the support and the spotting when I reinstalled. If you have any problems with this way of doing it or you don't agree with me PISS OFF. This is how I got it to go proper with me after I uninstalled to restart my mission making adventure. I am posting this because I am in a good mood right now and I know alot of you are having problems with this. This is my solution. Others may have there way and you are welcome to use them. I don't care.

"Untill you earn the right to call me Hammer it is Lance Corporal to you boy."

<span id='postcolor'>

And there you have it... Now keep in mind, there are still bad buys out there... ppl re-painting all the soldiers uniforms florecent orange... But don't think I won't catch you:)

If your files don't match the server you have A) Installed something wrong... or B) Are trying to cheat.

Either way would'nt you perfer everyone be one the same page?

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With one or two exceptions, this is just a basic reinstall.

1. What would happen if you skipped the 1.85 patch, that is, go straight from 1.75 to 1.9x?

2. You most probably don't have to delete your entire user subdirectory. Sometimes just deleting file USERINFO.cfg straightens problems out. Also, you may want to backup The USERS subdirectory tree, especially if you're in the middle of playing campaigns.

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LoL you beat me to it... I was just comming back to add: The main reason he got the errors is because he did not follow the proper sequence of patchs working his way back to ver 1.90

Also, about to add: SEE AvonLady FAQ for more details on the proper re-installation OFP/R

4:40am here... guess I'll have to get up earlier next time:)

Ohya, 1.75 > 1.9x... might be possible to skip 1.85 the zip is only a few bytes difference. I've never had any of these "mod file' problems myself... ie. never had to re-install. Maybe worth a shot.

Come to think of, maybe that's the whole problem. People are skipping 1.85? Now that I think about a few guys have said after recieving those errors "It's been doing that ever since I installed 1.90" ie. Maybe they never installed 1.85 and went straight from 1.75 to 1.90?

DING! DING! Do we have a winner?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CarolCray @ Jan. 17 2003,11:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ohya, 1.75 > 1.9x... might be possible to skip 1.85 the zip is only a few bytes difference.<span id='postcolor'>

Whether it has more, less or the same amount of bytes is irrelevant.

Almost everyone of OFP's full version upgrade patches has been fully inclusive of previous corrections and changes.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CarolCray @ Jan. 17 2003,12:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">BUMP! sorry I modified my message while you were posting... see above.<span id='postcolor'>

Ooooooooooooooooooh! Interesting. Gives Suma something to debug in his spare time. tounge.gif

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I think if you check for dta/bin files of the original ofp then players with old ofp versions could show up as having modified files. But what is the point in checking those files anyway? Sure, if i install ofp 1.00 and then resistance 1.91 my ofp config.bin will differ from that of the server if the server is at version 1.46/1.90f. But why check those files anyway? They aren't needed for resistance, my server does not even have them installed...

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Benu you are by the most obnoxious person I have ever meet on these forums... HANDS DOWN! Bill Clinton has nothing on you in the feild of double talk. You say your english is not your native language, what is? LIARNIES? Pronouncing english words is one thing, comprehending is what your reading is obviously out of your league. Your either posting this babble on purpose or your simply the stupidist MF I have ever meet.



Big freaking difference pal...

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But why check those files anyway? They aren't needed for resistance, my server does not even have them installed...<span id='postcolor'>


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We gotta find a better way to find cheats. Lot's of times it's just addons that alter the files a tiny bit.

IMO, it's a good idea in the sense that it prolly gets rid of cheaters, but it's bad cause for the honest people with modified stuff it's crap to have to reinstall everything sad.gif

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Hmm....well, i refuse to re-install diddly squat. I don't play MP that often, and when i do i occaisonally go on Radishville, and get yelled at by Carol Cray, and that f**king idiot Scatterbrains. I mean seriously, where did you find that guy? He yells at me for defending myself saying i have nothing modified and don't know why it would say that. He thinks hes god because he is the admin of an OFP MP server.....come on now. I will probably hop back in Radishville again sometime, and if i get yelled at again for modified files, then fine, its really no big deal to me that i can't play there. Some people dont' wanna go through all that shit just because they get the message, especially people like me because i RARELY play MP.


Whatever happened to m'main man Hudson? Those were the good ol days......

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Well Pins, I don't like this much at the moment either cause of all the people who don't cheat that get kicked.

Don't talk crap about Scatter, he's cool. Carol... well he's paranoid still from years of Quake, so I can't blame him biggrin.gif

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Carol is cool, goes about it the wrong way at times, but tends to be on the nicer side. But scatter....i'm sorry....but that fool isn't worth the energy i put into typing "you're an idiot". You should really do something with that guy. But i'm not here to flame anyone. The point is, some people are trustworthy and should be based on that. I exude no properties of cheatin when i play, cept ONCE when carol said it took like 4 shots to take me down, but at that moment i had a horribly high 456 ping on my 56k, so that was understandable. Like i said, some people CAN be trusted. I have never done anything that would prove i'm not trustworthy, and i would never do anything to tarnish my name and get kicked out of all servers.

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Ok PiNs, don't flame the patch mmkay? I can't help it if you come in with modified stuff, I have been testing this problem everyday, I have done everything, and last night I figured this out with Hammer_Schultz ( yeah take all the credit Hammer tounge.gif ) I have never flamed you, and I'm sure you don't cheat, but we are trying to keep this game purified, by keeping cheaters out, sorry if you got kicked, hope we get this fixed soon, and I hope to see you back on the Radishville.com server sometime.

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No flaming the patch.... oh ya and scatter isnt a little kid.

But anyways I reinstalled and i didnt put the ofp patchs on just res patchs and i got moded everything soo i reinstalled this time puting the patchs before installing resis and now i dont get any errors.

Oh and if you didnt see i dont like to use theses.... and i dont spell good eather... muhahhaha


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Ok OK, let me clarify a little. I didn't get kicked at all. And for that, yes, i am thankfull. They just repeatedly told me i would have to fix it. But the thing is, i have nothing to fix. I have not modified my config.bin, data.pbo or data3d.pbo, ever. And i really see no reason for it happening. Other then what Carol said at the beginning of this thread. And sure, that may work to fix the problem, but i'm not going through all that just so i can play and hour or two of MP 3 times a month. I like Radishville, and used to go in there a looooong time. I just hope that next time i go there, even though it may say i have modified files, that i can still play. Because, like i said, thats just ridiculous for me to do all that for such a little part of my OFP playing experience.

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But you do understand our position right? We have to keep our server clean of the villany and scum that is beginning to brew on the edges of the OFP world. The patch will not be overgrown with these unsightly weeds.

sseagle[Radishville Regular]

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Yes, sseagle, i totally understand your position. I did not say anything about it once. Honestly, if i had my own server, i would probably be doing and saying the same thing. But i would hope you understand my position too, i know i'm not the only one that may only rarely play MP. I just find it too much of a hassle for such a little part of my OFP experience, although a greatly fun one when i do play it.

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Yeah there is some serious paranoia going on. I haven't seen a cheater on Gameplanet for like... forever. We've had one in the entire time the server has been online.

If an island is modified or another file that could be used to give the player in question an advantage ask them to reinstall.

It is one thing to be alert for cheats and quite another to be alarmed when its just an installation issue.

Moral of the story: Use the modified messages as a guide but do not base your decision on them, base your decision on the player's actions.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Jan. 18 2003,06:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Crazy paranoid veggies  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Hehe, I know! do you remember last night harnu on the gulf of everon mission? wink.gif

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i sumtimes get these msgs and sumtimes i dont, but im not wasting my time reinstallin i have heaps of addons if usin them gives me the msgs well fuk mp, sps a load better, ai a better at team work and actually do what u say, they can be dum at times but a hell of a lot smarter than sum ppl ive seen play.

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I don't really get it why some admins check for OFP CWC files on a resistance server... These can have any version (1.00, 1.20, 1.30, 1.46...) and all the server checks for is if they differ from its files (which also can have any version the admin likes). So it's kinda pointless anyway, except for putting some poor guy down who did not patch his cwc to the same version as the resistance server he wants to play on.

BTW: I think the filecheck only checks the files in the given path, for example res\bin\config.bin. But if i load my modified cheater config with -mod=cheater parameter from my cheater\bin\config.bin it will not detect them... or will it?!? I think i have to test that.

As i said before: a modified message MAY mean someone is cheating. But it is no proof. Sometimes warnings seem to get produced due to timeouts of one kind or another (had guys connecting 2 times in a row, one time there was a warning, other time there wasn't). Some warnings are not cheats, a modified config.bin may be dynamic range.

I would wish that BIS would make those messages RELIABLE. If i could be SURE that every time a modified file warning appears ingame that the player really has a modified file (instead of a timeout) i would have less concerns to ban those users or to tell other admins to ban those users. As it is now... well, some people without modified files get false modified files warnings and some people with modified files can play without warnings. Guess it depends on the admin... if he rather likes to ban 10 innocents than letting one cheater play on his server...

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I haven't had to ban anybody benu.

I see a modified island or any message other than "Modified 1.91" then I tell them to reinstall.

They do it and theres no problem.

The messages ARE reliable. There is no reason they should have a modified .wrp file. If they do they may not be cheating but it may cause problems in the game not just for the player but for others.

I don't freak out and call them cheaters, I merely say reinstall and that error will go away.

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Yea, a modified .wrp file is that should have no reason to be modified. I wouldn't trust anybody farther then i can throw them if they have one.

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The problem is: a modified file warning does not mean that the file actually differs from the server. A friend of mine connected on my server (as he does at least 3 times every day) and got a "modified res\addons\o.pbo" warning (was one of my attempts to let each and every file be checked). We went off the server, into icq, i sent him a link to md5 and explained how to use it. He sent me his md5 of the res\addons\o.pbo and i compared it with the servers. They were the same. So those files were the and a modified file warning appeared. Not only for him, but for half a dozen of players. I saw it in the logs. And this was the only warnings all of those players got. When you check your files you will notice that the o.pbo is quite large. It would take some time to read it from harddrive and to compute the checksum. Hence my idea that it might be a timeout problem. I think i read it in another post in this board too, that if a client fails to provide the checksum fast enough the server will display a modified file warning although he has actually NOT checked the file.

I too think that there is NO good reason for a modified wrp file. But i would ban on this messages only if they were reliable. Which they are NOT sad.gif

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