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AMD vs Intel on ArmA 3 - Which is best? (VIDEO)

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Some of you who followed my stream know that I was able to put my hands on two great rigs, thanks to the good colleagues and friends I have (kudos to them).


I did spend a bit of time to benchmark both rigs - that differ only in the CPU and Motherboard - to get an idea on which one was "best" for ArmA 3 in 2020.



Some details on the testing:

  1. the benchmark scenario is YAAB v1.0 created by Greenfist
  2. each setting (low/ultra) was tested 5 times and I picked the best of 5
  3. the delta was consistently ~2 fps for each run, in both rigs
  4. this means that the difference in % between the worst AMD run and the worst Intel run is the same difference between the average AMD and the average Intel.. and the same between the best AMD and the best Intel
  5. I did run the same background tasks and killed unnecessary things, trying to keep things as consistent as possible
  6. I did keep the NVIDIA Drivers the same (the latest released at the time of the test)





Things I want to make clear:

  1. I am not bashing any brand or taking a side, I do not own any of the two rigs I compared so I am not even attached to them on financial grounds
  2. I'd be happy to answer your questions in case you are about to spend money and want to have more info before committing
  3. I am not an expert at overclocking but I did document myself at the best of my possibilities before committing (especially in order to avoid breaking stuff that is not mine)
  4. I did get a lot of help from people in here, namely Oldbear, Groove_C and Tankbuster, plus on other channels by other people
  5. I am opening this thread so it's easier to find for future reference
  6. I had fun making this comparison and I hope this is as much fun to you when watching it
  7. I noticed AMD vs Intel topics can get pretty toxic (as if other threads wouldn't) but I know the ArmA 3 community knows better
  8. See you on the field



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