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ZEUS on my server using the @SLZ mod

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I install ZEUS on my server using the @SLZ mod as follows:

1. Place @SLZ in your server root folder.

2. copy and paste the userconfig folder from inside @SLZ to the root folder of your server.

3. Edit your slz_settings.sqf file and add the uid of the person(s) you want to have Zeus access.

4. Add -filepatching to your startup script.

5. Add @SLZ to your -servermod lists (ie. -servermod=@exileserver;@admintoolkitserver;@slz;)

And it works well, except for spawn in client.rpt of the following error:

Error position: << 0) then {"-:--:--"} else {[_countdown >

Error Common error in expression File A3\ui_f_curator\UI\displays\RscDisplayCurator.sqf..., line 297

Error in expression <meLeft; _countdownText = if (_countdown < 0) then {"-:--:--"} else {[_countdown >

And one error in server-side .rpt

"Exile / log: ERROR: [BIS_fnc_activateAddons] The function can be activated only during the mission init."

Has anyone come across a similar one?


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Yes, it could be nice.  I have the same errors with the zeus module in the editor.

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