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Dallas Medina

Question: How do I add a flag to a vehicle if the flag image is in a mods .PBO?

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I'm using 3DEN enhanced, which adds the ability to set a flag on a vehicle, given the flags correct path (easy to do with vanilla flags included in Arma 3).


However, in this instance I'm using the "Malden Armed Forces" mod by Edgar Hussein and trying to add the flag of Malden to an MDF FV-720 Blaireau IFV. The path for the flag would be MaldenArmedForces/addons/flags.pbo/flag_malden_co.paa


I have entered this into the flag path text box as "MaldenArmedForces/addons/flags/flag_malden_co.paa" and also "addons/flags/flag_malden_co.paa", neither is working.


Can someone help me figure this one out?


For reference, here's the mods twitter page, where you can see one of those little Whippet tanks with a flag mnaf_mod?lang=en

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well you need to find the path inside the pbo, which is made up of the pbo prefix (if the mod has one, otherwise the pbo filename) and the path inside the pbo

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I've looked into it further, and it seems this particular mod does not come with a PBO prefix. I'm still lost as to what to do. I thought I had the right image path.

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21 hours ago, Dallas Medina said:

and it seems this particular mod does not come with a PBO prefix.

if so, then prefix is pbo filename.
meaning config.cpp in test.pbo
will be at \test\config.cpp

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