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Enhanced Advanced Helicopter Flight Model Mod

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20 hours ago, NightIntruder said:

Well, in fact there are many possibilites for people who are great in programming, especially in SQF. I am not skilled in that, unfortunately.

Neither am i unfortunately.Very limited capabitlies in that area.


20 hours ago, NightIntruder said:

CDLC - what? Do you mean, there's a chance for modders to create AFM DLC or even Helicopters+ DLC? I doubt it would be succesfull...

Its possible but whether or not it would make any money or not is another thing..:)


20 hours ago, NightIntruder said:

It may only be partially simulated through SQF scripts/functions as it was done in TKOH, afaik

Ive been thru the TKOH files pretty closely and have found that apart from a turbulence script everything was taken care of by the AFM file.

Heres the eventhandler class for the TKOH heli - 

class EventHandlers
			init="private ['_handle']; _handle = execVM '\hsim\air_h\data\scripts\turbulence.sqf'; _handle = (_this select 0) execVM '\hsim\air_h\data\scripts\cockpit.sqf'";
			dammaged="_this call (uiNamespace getVariable 'BIS_fnc_helicopterDamage')";

Also note the damage function.I havnt done anything with that at all.I dont know if arma has that function or if it can be ported with little issues.

All the startup procedures can function in arma.They are the same and are present except that the scripts need to be edited as some throw errors.Prolly not a big issue for a competent scripter.


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Nice findings, thank you for sharing!
I was hoping that the procedures listed within "RotorLibHelicopterProperties" class works in A3 as well but never felt myself good enough in SQF/configs to implement them into A3. I kept them in my configs "just-in-case". Actually, I tried once but ended in catastrophic failure with lost of main UI in-game 😄 Surely, I must have done something horribly wrong for this to happen! Anyway, perhaps the damage fnc has something to do with this stuff below (among other things)?

class RotorLibHelicopterProperties
	class DamagePropertiesRTD
		maxEngineTemperature = 950;


There are engine's definitions which are not supported in A3's AFM, and in fact if you set them in your helo addon it will break AFM functionality in the addon:

<Engine type="ConstantRPMEngine"> 
  <General inertia throttleAlwaysFull />  
  <Performance emergencyPower takeOffPower maximumContinuousPower maxTorque rotationResistance />
  <ControllerParams P I D offset targetRPM/>

The definitions are: "takeOffPower", "maximumContinuousPower" - these guys have no direct links to the game engine, at least those that I know about. You can also set "throttleAlwaysFull=false" but it cannot be changed later in-game although the proper inputActions "HeliThrottleX" are already there (lack of working TKOH functions, I guess?). Anyway, I am very interested to see how it'll evolve. I would be very happy seeing that TKOH's procedures fully work in A3 and can be set in config with no need for scripting.


I was wrong reg the Damage function. It's listed under A3 Functions on wiki, and seems to be responsible for handling a main rotor destruction effects?

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21 hours ago, NightIntruder said:

I was hoping that the procedures listed within "RotorLibHelicopterProperties" class works in A3 as well but never felt myself good enough in SQF/configs to implement them into A3. I kept them in my configs "just-in-case".

I was hoping that too but its not to be.:(

I have a mod in development that is going about this task but i'am stuck at the script errors.I think Yax and team are going to cover that so we may not have to go down that road.


21 hours ago, NightIntruder said:

Actually, I tried once but ended in catastrophic failure with lost of main UI in-game 😄 Surely, I must have done something horribly wrong for this to happen! 

Lol,i havnt had that happen for a while.Thats a good one that one.:)


21 hours ago, NightIntruder said:

Anyway, perhaps the damage fnc has something to do with this stuff below (among other things)?

I'am pretty sure that is linked to the start up procedures.Thats one of the conditions for getting the heli started.


I have noticed those power related parameters dont seem to do a great deal aswell.I havnt looked into the damage efx functions as yet.Maybe yax team is working on that.


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On 3/3/2020 at 11:01 AM, ANZACSAS Steven said:

I have a mod in development that is going about this task but i'am stuck at the script errors.

Are those errors linked with non-existent functions?
Your work was quite succesful in arousing my interest in TKOH so I've installed it again, yesterday 🙂 While flying around, I was experiencing a random short cam shaking that could be an effect of "turbulences". Is the turbulance.sqf responsible for that? 


PS. Yeah, I got the turbulance script doing work for me but that was simple fix of syntax error in EH. There's no chance, however, to get RTD procedures working in A3 without at least rewroting of a dozen TKOH's functions/scripts. I am not sure I want/can dig deep into it to such an extent, without any certainty it would work - especially when I am comparing the tedious taks with my poor SQF skills...


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On 3/4/2020 at 3:27 AM, NightIntruder said:

Are those errors linked with non-existent functions?

Cant remember tbh m8.


On 3/4/2020 at 3:27 AM, NightIntruder said:

Your work was quite succesful in arousing my interest in TKOH so I've installed it again, yesterday 🙂



On 3/4/2020 at 3:27 AM, NightIntruder said:

PS. Yeah, I got the turbulance script doing work for me but that was simple fix of syntax error in EH. There's no chance, however, to get RTD procedures working in A3 without at least rewroting of a dozen TKOH's functions/scripts. I am not sure I want/can dig deep into it to such an extent, without any certainty it would work - especially when I am comparing the tedious taks with my poor SQF skills...

Good stuff.I''ll talk to ya thru pm.

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Been using this for a bit. Excellent work, Cant wait to see further progress.

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Thanx bud!

Been messing with the lynx/hellcat lately but have put it aside atm and working on a sp/mp heli mission pack.I'll probably return to this mod and do some more work on it once i have released the mission pack.


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Hi m8, I am unaware of any mods using these AFM files.I'am also unsure why more helicopter mods dont use AFM's.Other than the files are tricky to dev.Very tricky actually.

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