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While{true}do with if + or

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Hi, could someone help me finish this? My goal is to have a script waiting for any player to be near the specific marker then it runs the code.


The question is with the While {true} do i would like to loop a check if those Ai's near the specific marker is still alive or if theres no players left within a specific distance.


Is it possible to fetch all Ai's near the specific marker with the command forEach (allUnits select {!isPlayer _x}); adding some more code to it or do i need to be more specific about which groups to fetch?

waitUntil {sleep 5; allPlayers findIf {(_x distance2d _markerpos) < (250 + (random 50)) && (ASLToAGL getPosASL _x)#2 < 2} > -1};

private _Aispawn = [] spawn Robust_fnc_Aispawn;

_allUnits inAreaArray [getMarkerPos _markerpos, 150, 150];

Below is just an example how i would like it to run.

while {true} do
if (_Ainearspecificmarker == 0) or (not alive _Leader )) then {

"Completed" remoteExec ["hint"];

[] spawn {
"EventTrack03_F_Curator" remoteExec ["playMusic",west,false];


if (allPlayers findIf {_x distance2D getMarkerpos _markerpos > 350} > -1) then {

"Failed" remoteExec ["hint"];

Remove all Ai enemy near the specific marker;

sleep 5;

Also, is it possible to remoteExec a hint and playmusic only to the players near the specific marker?



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1 minute ago, Robustcolor said:

Is it possible to fetch all Ai's near the specific marker with the command forEach (allUnits select {!isPlayer _x}); adding some more code or do i need to be more specific about which groups to fetch?

allUnits combined with inAreaArray


you can give it the array of objects, and the marker name

so just

_unitsInArea = allUnits inAreaArray _currentMission


and after that filter out all players (you do it after because its faster that way)


if in marker is not enough, you can use alt syntax 3 from biki.
allUnits inAreaArray [getMarkerPos _currentMission, 350, 350];



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5 hours ago, Dedmen said:

allUnits combined with inAreaArray


you can give it the array of objects, and the marker name

so just

_unitsInArea = allUnits inAreaArray _currentMission


and after that filter out all players (you do it after because its faster that way)


if in marker is not enough, you can use alt syntax 3 from biki.
allUnits inAreaArray [getMarkerPos _currentMission, 350, 350];



Thanks Dedmen, how would i delete the units i fetch with these commands? Not sure how to filter out players.


Something like this?

private _enemy = count (allUnits + vehicles inAreaArray [getMarkerPos "marker_0", 50, 50]);

if ((_enemy == 1) or (!alive _leader)) then { 
{deletevehicle} something?
{deletevehicle} _leader;


_enemy = count (allUnits select {!isPlayer _x} inAreaArray [getMarkerPos "marker_0",50,50]);

if (_enemy == 0) then { 
"Completed" remoteExec ["hint"]; 


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Got it to work, If you have any tips to improve the script let me know.

waitUntil {sleep 1; allPlayers findIf {(_x distance2d getmarkerpos "marker_0") < (50 + (random 20)) && (ASLToAGL getPosASL _x)#2 < 2} > -1};

for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {
private ["_grp1","_unit"];
_grp01 = createGroup [east, true];
_unit = _grp01 createUnit [selectRandom ["O_Soldier_TL_F","O_Soldier_F"], getmarkerpos "marker_0", [], 10, "FORM"];
sleep 1;

while {true} do
if (allPlayers findIf {_x distance2D getMarkerpos "marker_0" > 60} > -1) exitWith {
"Completed allPlayers check" remoteExec ["hint"];
{deleteVehicle _x;} count (allUnits select {!isPlayer _x} inAreaArray [getMarkerPos "marker_0",50,50]);
{deleteVehicle _x;} count (allDead inAreaArray [getMarkerPos "marker_0",50,50]);

if (count (allUnits select {!isPlayer _x} inAreaArray [getMarkerPos "marker_0",50,50])<=1) exitWith {
"Completed _enemy check" remoteExec ["hint"];
{deleteVehicle _x;} count (allUnits select {!isPlayer _x} inAreaArray [getMarkerPos "marker_0",50,50]);
{deleteVehicle _x;} count (allDead inAreaArray [getMarkerPos "marker_0",50,50]);
sleep 1;
"New loop" remoteExec ["hint"];


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11 hours ago, Robustcolor said:

(allUnits select {!isPlayer _x} inAreaArray [getMarkerPos "marker_0",50,50])


18 hours ago, Dedmen said:

and after that filter out all players (you do it after because its faster that way)



(allUnits inAreaArray [getMarkerPos "marker_0",50,50]) select {!isPlayer _x}


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3 hours ago, killzone_kid said:

(allUnits - allPlayers)

Wow. Sometimes you can't see the tree because the forest is blocking the view. (That sounds better in german..)

I wonder if that's faster, but select should be so slow that your variant should be the best in most cases.

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19 minutes ago, Dedmen said:

I wonder if that's faster

In C++ would be slower most likely than 1 straight iteration, but in SQF who knows

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On 11/29/2019 at 10:48 AM, killzone_kid said:

(allUnits - allPlayers) inAreaArray [getMarkerPos "marker_0",50,50] 

So i guess it should look something like this then or is it wrong?

if (count (allUnits - allPlayers inAreaArray [getMarkerPos "marker_0",50,50])<=1) exitWith { 
"Completed _enemy check" remoteExec ["hint"]; 

This is how it looks like now. My call command at the top is to prevent from spawning mission near a player, maybe there's a better way of checking.

private _currentMission = selectRandom ["S1","S2","S3","S4","S5"];

Call {
if (allPlayers findIf {_x distance2D getMarkerpos _currentMission < 30} > -1) exitWith { 
[] execVM "Test.sqf";

private _marker2 = createMarker ["Marker2",getmarkerpos _currentMission];
_marker2 setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_marker2 setMarkerSize [150,150];
_marker2 setMarkerBrush "Cross";
_marker2 setMarkerAlpha 1;
_marker2 setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR";

private _marker3 = getMarkerpos _marker2;

waitUntil {sleep 1; allPlayers findIf {(_x distance2d _marker3) < (150 + (random 20)) && (ASLToAGL getPosASL _x)#2 < 2} > -1};

for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {
private ["_grp1","_unit"];
_grp01 = createGroup [east, true];
_unit = _grp01 createUnit [selectRandom ["O_Soldier_TL_F","O_Soldier_F"], _marker3, [], 10, "FORM"];
sleep 1;

while {true} do
if (allPlayers findIf {_x distance2D _marker3 > 200} > -1) exitWith {
"Completed allPlayers check" remoteExec ["hint"];
{deleteVehicle _x;} count (allUnits - allPlayers inAreaArray [_marker3,50,50]);
{deleteVehicle _x;} count (allDead inAreaArray [_marker3,50,50]);

if (count (allUnits - allPlayers inAreaArray [_marker3,50,50])<=1) exitWith {
"Completed _enemy check" remoteExec ["hint"];
{deleteVehicle _x;} count (allUnits - allPlayers inAreaArray [_marker3,50,50]);
{deleteVehicle _x;} count (allDead inAreaArray [_marker3,50,50]);
sleep 1;
"New loop" remoteExec ["hint"];

deleteMarker "Marker2";

[] execVM "Test.sqf";


@killzone_kid and while we're at it, should i start skip using

}]} forEach (allUnits select {!isPlayer _x});

and just start using

}]} forEach (allUnits - allPlayers);





_x setSkill 1;

} forEach (allUnits - allPlayers);

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